Monday, April 27, 2009

Mancat Monday with Only and Two Spot

We are brothers from the same litter and do everything together. It's like we are twins! Mom says Only would have been a lounge lizard if he was a bean - he has sexy brooding eyes! as for me - I am just a perky cute mancat I guess.


JC said...

Cute !!!!!!

Cliff and Olivia said...

You're very cute. Sure you're not Siamese ;-)

The Creek Cats said...

You are both furry cute Mancats!! Such a sweet photo of you together!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You handsome mancats look like identical twins!

The Island Cats said...

We think we're seeing double!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

What a nice pair of kitties today.Love the picture.

Us4 Cats said...

like a white clooud of white love.

John said...

That is such a cute photo. Looks like something that belongs in a hallmark card.

Noll's Nip said...

You guys are incredibly close ;) That's a lot of brotherly love between you two!

Ingrid said...

How cute ! I see Arthur in double ! Would be nice if they could get together. 3 white cats !

Cat with a Garden said...

What a great picture of you guys! Brofur-love rules!



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