Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tummy Toesies Tabby Tuesday with Joey

Tuesday is my day cuz I am a tabby with cute toesies and.... I am a lover boy that can't get enough tummy rubs!


Noll's Nip said...

We likes your fuzzy soft tummy and twinkly toes too. You must get lots of attention because of them :)

The Creek Cats said...

You look like such a little lover boy, Joey! Great toesies and tummy!

Luna und Luzie said...

Everything of you is cute, the tummy, the toesies and the tabby, Joey!!!

Cliff and Olivia said...

You look gorgeous - and that includes your toesies!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Joey...mom wants to tickle your toesies and rub your belly!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Cute tabby with cute tummy and toesies, a nice combo.

Ellen Whyte said...

What a fat kitty! You'd love Au, his tummy is also very prosperous :-)

Lucy Belle said...

Haha..fancy playing tootsie under the covers with you!

Ydiana said...

Hohoho..! That's a real cute tummy and toesies. Come over here and we'll give you good workout! Lol!

Country Cats said...

Wow you have gorgeous toesies and a scritchable tummy!

Ingrid said...

Your tummy looks like Pookie's, lol !

claudie said...

You looks such a beautiful nice guy!



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