
Monday, May 4, 2009

Mancat Monday with Albert

I got my name cuz my fur is all messy all the time like Albert Einstein's! My nickname is Al or Ally Boo but I don't hear it cuz I was born deaf. I like to boss the other cats around. I usually have lots of scratches on my nose but not today!


  1. Albert you are gorgeous! You have such beautiful blue eyes! Sorry to hear you are deaf. That is common in white cats, right?

  2. I'll bet you're a genius like your namesake too!

  3. Albert, youz iz such a handsome man-catty! We haz a sis-fur who iz white yike youz but she haz gold eyes so Camille can hear just great.

    Over at our place Forrest is hippie-tizing da dog! WOWZA!

  4. You are so beautiful, or should I say, handsome...yes, you are.

  5. Hi Al! You got beautiful blue eyes!!!

  6. I am giving you the 'One Lovely Blog Award'.

    Please go to my blog to see what it is and what you need to do. Also, you can copy the award if you want. It's a pretty one.

    I think you are Purrfect and that's why I picked you.

  7. You are a gorgeous kitty. We love your blue eyes.

  8. Thanks for visiting on my birthday! Mom loves your beautiful blue eyes. She also had a white blue eyed boy named Linus.=^Y^=Ty

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Thank you for leaving a comment for my birthday!

    You looks very handsome, Albert.We like your blue eyes.

  11. Oops ... sorry for giving you the award twice. I looked and didn't see it and redid it again this morning. See I really am a Silly Siamese. Must be all the rain from last night, I'm now a Soggy Siamese LOL


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