
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Photo Hunt - In Memory

Nicky 2000-2006

This is Nicky - Minnie and Joey's litter mate who lived outside with the feral group until he began to lose weight and Mom took him to the vet. He had intestinal cancer and we cared for him inside for the last months of his life. Nick was a shy handsome boy - he loved life inside and we all wish we could have brought him in sooner. He is missed by us all.


  1. It's good that Nicky had someone to care for him when he got sick. He looks like he was a fine man cat.

    A black cat named Nicky...

  2. Nicky is a very handsome boy. It is wonderful that he had your Mom to care for him.

    Happy Mother's Day to your Mom.

  3. Nicky is very handsome. We're glad he had you to care for him. You must miss him a lot.


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