Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lazy Caturday with Sweetpea

Watching bird TV is exhausting!

Click on the picture for more Camera Critter posts

Camera Critters


Forgetfulone said...

Too cute!

Carletta said...

Cute shot and caption!

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Snap said...

Too funny! Yes, watching bird TV or birds out the back window is very tiring. !!!

sandyshares said...

I surely feel lazy today myself

Cliff and Olivia said...

You're so right. Time for a nap.

Anya said...

Lovely shots,
and yessssss its time for a NAP
purrsss from Kareltje

Brooke said...

That is just too cute!

Reese =^..^= said...

I can see you is really enjoying Cat TV!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing you to for all the precious creatures. I think you must sleep well at night knowing how much suffering you have prevented by taking care of these cats.

My camera critter is here today

Anonymous said...

Yes, it can be tiresome, but it's the bestest channel around!

CCL Wendy said...

Sweetpea is as adorable as her name -- what a cute little floofy belly she has! I hope all your kitties enjoyed their special day of the week -- Caturday, that is!

Karen Jo said...

The Bird Channel on Cat TV can be exhausting. You look very relaxed now, Sweetpea. Thank you for your kind comment. My worrywart phase let up enough for me to write a limerick for Oscar, finally. I posted it not long ago.

Shelley Munro said...

See certainly looks relaxed!


That is a great pose!

jabblog said...

What a happy cat - so relaxed.



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