Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kitten Memories of Al on Caturday

Mom was looking through some old photos and found these of Albert. Al (our soon to be five, blue-eyed deaf cat)has always been very funny about the spots he likes to nap in and finds the most quirky eclectic places to hang out. We had a shop and soup take out restaurant with a full commercial kitchen when he was a kitten. When we were closed he was allowed into the kitchen and we never knew where we would find him - usually sound asleep!

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Anya said...

So lovely action shots :)
It makes us smile !!
Kareltje =^.^=

Snap said...

Wonderful photos of Al. What a handsome gentleman!

Carletta said...

Cats sleep in the oddest poses. That last shot looks so uncomfortable. :)
Cute shots!
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

The Island Cats said...

Those are some strange napping places, Al!

Esther Garvi said...

That beautiful kitty has been everywhere! No wonder you fell in love with her!

The Kitty Krew said...

Those are some great photos!!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Grammy said...

Aw, how adorable! My cat would love to do that too.

Brooke said...

Those are definitely some cute shots of unusual sleeping spots and positions.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Oh, I love the expression on his face as he's perched atop the coat rack. I wouldn't think that would feel like a safe spot, but, as your other commenters have already pointed out, cats do choose some odd places for sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Al had da bestest places to nap and da most informative - near da food was da best though!

Müge said...

Superb photos! :-)))

Julie said...

It always amazes me where cats will sleep. Cute shots.

Thumbelina said...

Awwww they sleep in the strangest of places. Great shots. I love the one of him in the sink.

Bruce said...

Great photos! We cats do love to sleep...anywhere!

Anonymous said...

You've made my evening! I was just about to settle in for the night and thought I'd catch up with the kitties. Then, there is Al, cuddling up in the kitchen, in a pot no less. You must love that cat like the dickens☺

The Monkeys said...

What a sweetie he is!

Glennis said...

Some really strange places to settle, yet he looks really comfortable. I wonder if vibrations could be felt through the metal of the pots and pans.

Sylvia K said...

What terrific shots! And what a beautiful, funny and lovable looking gentleman Al is! Thanks for the smiles!

Minie said...

what a cute pose of a sleepy beautiful white cat.


Carolyn said...

Hey Al, your a fella after my own heart, if only I could get up to those places. Come for a visit...we'll talk! Tell your caretaker she's got a great blog.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Very unusual cat nap places! Such an inventive little cutie!

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Thank's for visitings us!
Wow what pretty white furs! We love the napping spots, have never seen a place like that. I wish we had a big pot to snooze in. Pots here ares too small and my bum hardly fits! Purrs to you =^_^=

lv2scpbk said...

Cats can make their bed anywhere. Cute photos.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha. I love when cats do stuff like this. Sometimes I wish I could just climb into things like that :D

Dianne said...

you're very creative Al, I have taken notes

Anonymous said...

THese are so funny! Your cat can sleep anywhere! Wish I could...

magiceye said...

hey al! you sure love to change your bed often! great to have you on board Pet Pride

Pet Pride

Ellen Whyte said...

Al in the sink is classic. In that last picture is he sleeping in a cooking pot?

Jo said...

Wow, Al what a beautiful kitty you are and you choose some very strange places to sleep.

Quill and Greyson said...

Hi! So nice of you to drop by my place!! Come by anytime, and I'll do the same.

Baby Patches said...

OMC! Looks at those places dat you use to sleeps and lays MOL hehehe

DeniseinVA said...




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