Mom bought us this catnip banana and gave it to me to try out.
This is lots of fun - heehee.
Uh oh. Two Spot wants to play with it too!
I want it for myself cuz it is nice and big - good for me to hold on to and kick it.
Whoohoo - I am wiped out! Time for a nap. Happy Caturday!
For more photos of all kinds of wonderful critters click on this

We love the catnip bananas too! Except ours aren't nearly as clean as yours
We has a catnip carrot wif fevvers on it - then woofie Jake got a hold of it and his germs are all over it. We hope our mom gets us another catnip carrot or even a 'nanner like yers.
That nip 'nanner looks good!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We have heard so many great things about those bananas - and we think it's wonderful that your mom found such a great store to buy them from!
P.S. Our humane society has a thrift store - our mom likes it, but they don't sell nip nanners!
It's amazing how much you kitties just LOVE those 'naners.... my kitty will only sniff it and bat it once with his paw and walk away... hehehe....
My but aren't you two a couple of cuties!
Looks like your Mom better buy another banana.
Mishkat made a funny comment - nip nanners. :)
Thats a serious catnip adiction you have snow white puss cat with no spots, you should of shared with two spots.
Dat looks yike it was a good work-out fur youz! We ♥ our 'nip, too☺
You guys are adorable!
Lol ! that's too funny ! it seems to me to see my cat Arthur in double !
This looks like a fun toy. Beautiful kittes all throughout this blog. Glad I found you through pet friday.
Hi cute kitties - we've wandered over from 'Pet Pride' - isn't it a great site?! You sure do love your 'nanner don't you, he he he! Loved the photos of you playing with it, wish we had something similiar to 'catnip' for us doggies. Tail wags - JD and Max.
my cats think this banana needs to be on our shopping list !1sandy
Catnip banana sounds like an exotic treat! You lucky guys!
We love our nip nanner! So much that we chewed holes in it!
hey the catnip banana seems so cool! and i also like what pet harmony is doing for homeless pets. your mum's real nice too.
great to have you on Pet Pride
do visit the others here and spread the good word around!
That looks like lots of fun! And you're playing for charity which is even better. Great stuff sweetheart :-)
Beautiful cats!
You really enjoyed playing that yellow catnip banana.Nice photos by the way.
If you don't warn your cat about catnip, who will? :)
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