Friday, September 4, 2009

Darby on Formerly Feral Friday

My favorite toy is a ribbon. I love playing with ribbons but Mom only gives them to me when she is around to supervise.

This is fun. I love ribbons..I love ribbons. I feel like someone's watching me. Who is there? Anybody?

I see glowing eyes...yikes! A boogey cat!!!! Oh it's only Mamacita trying to get my ribbon away!

She's a lot bigger than me. I think I will pretend to nap and maybe she will go away and leave my ribbon alone! I don't wanna mess with her!


The Monkeys said...

Mamacita doesn't look like one to mess with! You're very smart!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Hello! Thanks for stopping by Cat of Nine Tales today for our first blog. I've lurked around your blog before so I'm pleased to know you! My dream is to have a farm and your homeopathic holistic approach is right up my alley! I'll be talking to you more on that subject. (I'm 2nd level Reiki many years ago). And, hey! You do have lots more kitties than me! (if only I had a bigger house) :) Co9T

SeaThreePeeO said...

We hope you got to play with your ribbon some more!

The Kitty Krew said...

Your ribbon looks like lots of fun! But you were probably wise to lay low once Mamacita came around...

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Annie Bear said...

I hope Mamacita didn't get your ribbon. You had a good idea of pretending to nap. Ribbons are fun! (Glad your mom is there to supervise tho.)



JC said...

I need to play with my cats more than I do ...

They just love to eat, chase & catch things ...

CCL Wendy said...

Well, Darby, if you like Dante, you and he have at least ONE thing in common! He loves ribbons, too. In fact, I have to be careful to keep them away from him because he likes to eat them. He prefers the skinnier, paper ribbon that comes on a roll.

It's a good thing your mama is keeping an eye on you!

Dante likes you, too, Darby!

The Island Cats said...

Playing with ribbon is fun! But not when someone is staring at you with laser eyes!

Halloween said...

Hi Darby! I love ribbons too. Wait til Mamakitty goes to sleep and you can get it back.


BeadedTail said...

We love ribbons too! Hopefully Mamacita stopped watching you so you could play again. She was pretty scary looking!

Mishkat said...

Mamacita's laser eyes are intimidating! And we think we see a tortie paw in that last photo - yikes!

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, boogey cats can be really skeery! We are so happy that you know how to avoid them☺

Reese =^..^= said...

That ribbon looks like a lot of fun!

The Creek Cats said...

Ribbons are pawsome!

Teddy Westlife said...

Hi kitties. I don't have a ribbon toy but I think I should definitely get one. Thanks for stopping by my blog to help with my commentathon!

Huffle Mawson



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