Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Minnie's Toes on Tuesday

Because I am a beautiful black kitty, whenever I use the litter box I come out with dusty toes! Mom thinks it's funny but I don't!

For more Cats on Tuesday visit Gattina's blog.


Anonymous said...

Awww, we hates dusty toes too, and our mom thinks it's funny! What IS wrong with these humans?!? They don't have to lick THEIR toesies clean!

Unknown said...

Lol, too cute. Happy COT!

Daisy said...

Your toes really do get dusty! You must like to do a lot of digging around in there!

Mishkat said...

Very cute toes - dusty or not.

P.S. We get back at the humans for laughing by spreading little pieces of litter all over the house!

Annie Bear said...

But they're cute toesies! Just think of all the dust and litter you can track through the house!



jenianddean said...

Those are some great toes shots. Mom is a sucker for cat toes.

The Creek Cats said...

We think you dusty toes are furry cute!
Saylor was a little drunk last night when she came home from her spay. She came out of the litter box with a dusty face.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I don't get it, I left a message and it just vanished?
Anyway I think your toes look cute dusty or non dusty.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Oh, my goodness! That's so cute! Hmmm, I have to think about that kind of dust tracked all over my house. Oh, well...that's what my vacuum cleaner is for :)

The Island Cats said...

Beautiful toesies you got there, Minnie!!! Dust and all!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Make the slaves clean your dusty toes for you, sweetheart. That's what they are there for!

Splendid Little Stars said...

uh--oh! But your toes are lovely, dust and all!

Ingrid said...

Now I understand why we humans have to wear shoes, we don't have so cute toes !

Karen Jo said...

You have very cute toes, Minnie, even if they are dusty. Your Mom should put out a foot bath for you.


Cute dusty toes but better then a dusty nose! LOL :)

meowmeowmans said...

Great toesies, Minnie! Maybe your mommy can clean them off for you. :)



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