Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mouse Alert!

We hear some rustling in the leaves...wonder what it is?

Ooooh, a little mouse is running in front of the screen! Where did he go? Which way did he go? I think we lost him...oh no.

Hey Al - you are looking the wrong way pal! He's over here.

We watched the little mouse for most of the day. Too bad he never came inside where we could play with him. Happy Tuesday.

For more cat stories visit Cats on Tuesday.

Don't Miss our Give - away!
To continue to celebrate Albert's 5th Gotcha Day, which was Oct 22, Mom is giving away a free year's subscription to Cat Fancy Magazine - all you have to do is to leave a comment telling us that you want in on a chance for a free cat magazine. Mom's computer has not been working so she is extending the drawing until Sunday Nov. 1 when she will randomly pick a winner. Good luck everyone.!


Ingrid said...

I didn't drink alcohol at all, I swear and I see Arthur in double and triple, lol ! How many white cats do you have ? Mr. G would be in heaven if all our cats were white. His childhood dream was a white cat, that's why we have got Arthur !

JC said...

We get squirrels and birds in our yard

Pam said...

My outdoor cat, Peeve, would have caught the mouse. My indoor cat, Sassie, would have just had to sit and watch!

Noll's Nip said...

Maybe the mousie will come into your housie tomorrow1

The Monkeys said...

That mousie sure missed out on a great time playing with you guys!

Marie said...

What beautiful kitties you have -- they are so intent looking for that mousie too! :-)

Unknown said...

That first pic is so cute with their tails entwined like that! Happy Tuesday. :)

Us4 Cats said...

wow! cool. we luvs watchn mice.

you guys look so beautiful with your white coats!

Anonymous said...

Awww, too bad that little mousie didn't want to come and play wif you all! We hope you're having an excellent Tuesday!

Lisa Kolosey said...

The first picture reminds me so much of two certain Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp!
We are Siamese if you please!
I loved them as a kid...even though they were supposed to be naughty.
~Lisa Co9T

The Island Cats said...

That mousie doesn't play fair! He didn't even give you a chance to try and catch him!

Catline Crew said...

You not only have a warm home but a big heart to care for so many.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

That little mouse doesn't even know how lucky he was that he didn't come inside.
I loved the pictures. Such beautiful cats!


Karen Jo said...

I think that was a smart little mouse. He was happy to entertain you all day, so you should just be thankful for that.

The Chair Speaks said...

These feral cats are lucky to have met you. They are very well cared for. Love the first picture where the two white cats held tails.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I bet that little mouse was a nervous wreck with the three of you watching over him. With fun like that around you don't need the tv set.

The Kitty Krew said...

A mousie, what fun! Too bad he didn't want to play... MOL

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

meowmeowmans said...

You kitties sure are beautiful. Maybe the mousy will come back again tomorrow!

Raymond and Busby said...

You are all sure gorgeous cats! Too bad that mousie didn't come in your enclosure to play with you. Hee hee.

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Here mousie, mousie! Come on back, little mousie!

Although, if the mousie is smart, maybe not.

Have a great weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar

Cindy said...

Look at those pretty kitties! Silly mouse didn't come out to play.



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