
Monday, November 16, 2009

Only's Adventures on Mancat Monday

Last week Mom noticed that I was having trouble peeing in the litter box so she called the VET right away. Our VET could not see me until the next day so we went to another one who told Mom to drop me off and they would sneak me in sometime during the day.

I don't go to the VET very often so Mom was worried about catching me and putting me in the carrier. I was such a good boy and went in pretty easily. I liked the ride to the VET and quietly looked out the window. This was an exciting adventure for me.

Mom hated to leave me there and told them to be careful since I was a feral and was not used to peoples except our family. Mom didn't need to have said that cuz I was so good for the VET beans. They needed me to pee for them to check my urine but I didn't and everyone waited and waited. They gave me sub-c fluids hoping it would get me to pee.

Mom had to go to work and I still wasn't home so she told Pop to go get me just before the VET closed. He went but I was still holding on to my pee. They had examined me and I was fine except for the not peeing.

Pop said everyone at the VET loved me - they said I was so cute and sweet. When they were feeling my bladder I had to lay on my back. My paws were up over my shoulders and when they touched my bladder it hurt a little and I reached out to grab the VET tech's finger. She just loved me for that. Pop just had to say he was waiting for Only and they all knew me! Finally the head VET had to stick a needle in my bladder to get urine. It didn't hurt and they found I had crystals.

I got to go home but have special food to eat to help dissolve the crystals and they gave me an antibiotic shot. I don't like the food so Mom is also giving me Vitamin C, cranberry extract and raw organic egg yolk in the food to help acidify the urine and dissolve the crystals.

Us mancats get crystals when our urine gets too alkaline from eating dry foods which contain grain and not much liquid. This happens especially when the dry food is left out all day for us to graze on. Even tho Mom feeds us very high quality foods, boy cats can still get UTI's so now we only eat twice a day and the food is taken up in between. We don't like this but since we are mostly mancats here that is best for us so we don't get UTI's anymore.

I am doing much better this week and can pee without straining. Keep thinking good thoughts for me to get completely better. I have to pee again in a month and get the lab results back. Mom says maybe we can do that at home and not have to take me back to the VET!


  1. Oh, poor Only! It's a good thing you didn't empty your bladder in the car on the way home; I did that once, but I couldn't help it. I hope you feel lots better soon, Only! Victor is good in the car and at the vet's, but I DO NOT LIKE any of it. You are very brave.

  2. We are so happy you are doing better, Only. We are mighty proud of you for being such a good sport about your trip to the v-e-t.

    We hope you will adjust to your new diet and that it will take care of the problem


  3. I'm sorry you had to go to the vet.
    Didn't know about keeping the food in the sack. I do the dry food out all day thing too.

    Cranberry & vitamin C ... how do you do that ?
    The reason I ask is that Ashton has had this problem .. uti ... before ...

  4. It's always a worrisome thing when kitties aren't feeling right. I'm glad you were diagnosed and have a good treatment plan (and a Mommy who knows a thing or two).

    Tell your Mommy that the Cat Enclosure at Cat of Nine Tales does not have a roof. The fence/walls are 7 feet high and kind of loose, so big kitties do not feel secure if they try to climb it. So far we've been lucky that no one has gotten out. Only Wizard and BJ have tried (usually once every spring), but they quickly remember how loose it feels. If anyone did get out, they would first be enclosed in the dog yard, but that fence is only 4 feet high.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  5. You are a brave and tolerant kitty, Only! I'm terrified of the VET and I make sure that they are terrified of ME every time I have to go there. If Glogirly came to pick me up and they told her I was "sweet" she'd pass out right there.

    I'm glad you're feeling better and have a mom that is taking such good care of you.

    I saw your link on the Cat Blogosphere and wanted to pop in and say hi!

    (Glogirly's cat)

  6. What an adventure and what a great mancat you were at the vet, Only! Sorry to hear about the crystals and about the new foods that you don't like. We are very happy to hear you are feeling better now. We will continue to send good thoughts and purrs your way!!

    Our Cal (RIP) had a bad time with crystals when he was 3 and was hospitalized for 3 days. After a food switch he was all better. Mom is trying get us off the dry kibble and onto only wet food now. We are all pretty accepting of the Wellness, but not so much the raw food she tried.

  7. What a good boy you are, Only! Your mom was worried for nothing. Obviously she has socialized you so well, that you are now trusting of all humans!

    I'll bet you knew the vet was just trying to help you. We're glad that you're on the mend and hope you'll be all better very soon.

  8. Hope you are feeling better. We don't like the vet, we all scatter when we see the carrier come out.

  9. I feel for you, Only! Having potty problems is no fun at all. I sure hope the special diet will work for you!

  10. YAY for you Only! We were sad to here you had to go to the V~E~T and had crystals, but were so happy to hear you can pee now without it hurting!!! Hopefully this will be the last time that happens! Please stop by tomorrow for some fun, food, games, and pawty favors!

  11. Only, we're glad you were a good kitty at the vet so they could check you out. We glad you're peeing better now and we hope you are 100% okay real soon!!!

  12. Dat is why mom tries to feed Speedy just da canned stuff but, yoo know, da food Zippy eats is good stuff! Glad yoor feeling better, and if da new vets like yoo so much maybe yoo should go der alla time. Zippy only likes Dr G so she only goes to see him. She tries to bite effuryone else.

  13. Aren't you just the coolest of cats!

  14. I am recovering from being sick myself. Let's get well together! Purrs :)

  15. Poor you! Aren't you lucky that you mum is so observant - and quick! Hope you get better soon.

  16. We are glad you are home from the v-e-t and getting better. You were very brave to be there all day.

  17. Gandalf has the same problem, Only. FLUTD. We did not really like the new dry prescription foods so Mom mixes a little bit of our old regular crunchies into the dry and it all gets eaten. We all like the wet prescription foods pretty good.

    Mom measures all our wet and dry foods very carefully. It tends to put weight on so we have to eat enough that Gandalf doesn't form more crystals, but not so much that we gain weight. Purrhaps you noticed thay Whitey iz already a bit - ahem - "fluffy"!

  18. I had that problem and it almost killed me. It was scary. It was because of the wet food Mom was feeding me, it ended up that later batches of the same stuff she was feeding us was recalled back during the massive recall a couple weeks ago. We're still on dry food, but because I'm now diabetic. It's always something with me, and I hate it because mom worries so much about me!


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