Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sweetpea on Tosie, Tummy Tuesday

I am Sweetpea and even tho it looks like I am a big floofy cat I only weigh in at 5 pounds! I do have a very round tummy and lots of extra furs on my toes!

Happy Tuesday!

For more Cats on Tuesday visit Gattina!


Anonymous said...

You sure are a beauty! We love your toesies tufts and you furs shimmering in the sun!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad we found your blog! Your cats are lovely, and you have a really great cause and calling.

Anonymous said...

You sure look yike a Sweet Pea to us! You is all floofy and sweet lookin'☺

The Creek Cats said...

You're all floof, Sweetpea!!

catsynth said...

Looks like someone is enjoying the sunshine - that is something Luna seems to enjoy as well (indeed, she is sitting downstairs in the sun right now).

TorAa said...

You are a sweety

The Island Cats said...

You must be all floof!!!

JC said...

Only five ...

Lots of fluffy fur though ...

You're very beautiful ...

Pam said...

Sweetpea is so cute and does have lots of fur on her tosies. How cute!

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, pictures can be deceiving. I never would have guessed you were only 5 lbs. What a sweet, diminutive little thing you are. And certain very floofalicious, too!

Al said...

Uh huh I agree fluffy kitty!

Ginger said...

Just beautiful!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You are gorgeous, Sweetpee....and so very photogenic.



At five pounds you are certainly a "mini"
Sweetpea lol and a very beautiful floofy kitty.

Irishcoda said...

That's all Sweetpea weighs? Wow, she looks a lot bigger, amazing what floof will do!



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