Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Ice Storm

Sorry we haven't been visiting you all but we got hit with an ice storm on Christmas eve just a week after the 14" snow storm! This was not expected - we were supposed to get rain or a little freezing rain! It knocked power off for days for all of us in our town and in the high mountains.

Mom made nice snuggle spots for all of us with lots of fleece blankets over us to keep us warm. We don't have a wood stove or any back-up heat for times like this.

These show the damage to the roads going out of our house in both directions! The tree crews had to come and cut all the downed trees before the power crews could even reach us.

It was hard on the older cats and they were showing signs of stress - runny eyes and shivering even with all our blankets. It got down to 38 degrees in the house so the beans went out and got a generator. Boy were we happy to have heat back. We expect more snow this week but this time we are prepared!

For more Cats on Tuesday visit Gattina.


Quilt Works said...

Ice storms are dangerous, but can be so pretty! Hugs and Tags!

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! We hope you all are safe and warm now! That ice is pretty on the trees but it sure can cause a lot of damage!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are happy you all stayed safe and that you got a generator to keep you warm. Our mombean was telling us about ice storms and snow storms when she was growing up in South Dakota a gazillion years ago, and all we can say is we're happy we live in South Texas!!!!!! xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Yes pretty but dangerous. Here in Norway we should be used to this kind of weather, but instead people here keep being surpised and not prepared. Strange...
Happy new year!

Angel Simba said...

The ice looks pretty, but sorry it got so cold. Hope all are staying snuggly warm now.

Anonymous said...

Oh MY!!! We are happy to hear all is safe and warm! Sorry it got so cold for you all. They are beautiful pictures, but that ice sure is dangerous stuff.

The Kitty Krew said...

Oh gosh, that's very cold. We're glad your beans have backup plans now to keep all of you kitties warm and safe!

purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Luna und Luzie said...

Wow, that looks really dangerous. We are glad to see you now safe and warm at home!

Stay warm !

Irishcoda said...

I don't like ice storms at all but they sure do make beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!

Annie Bear said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry to hear the kitties got so cold. I'm glad you got some heat. Take care!! I hope you're all safe and warm.

JC said...

I am so sorry you lost power for so long. A generator is a good idea ... every kitty cat needs one.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

We are sooo happy that you got a generator. Our biped keeps saying that we're going to get one because our house is all electric too and Missouri is subject to ice storms.


Jans Funny Farm said...

38 degrees in the house? Oh, we are so glad you have heat again. That must have been a bad storm.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

The ice is beautiful but knowing how cold it is , and all the damage the ice storm can do I appreciate SO. CA. I hope the older cats are going to be okay.

I am glad you have a generator. I hope you are keeping warm now.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, dat wasn't a furry good time yoo had. Yeah, a generator is a good thing to haf.

The Chair Speaks said...

This first picture is lovely.
Poor kitties, even snuggling together with body heat couldn't keep warm enough. It is good that mombean got a generator.
Happy New Year.

Ingrid said...

That was indeed a terrible surprise ! Not a very nice Christmas gift. I don't like winter at all, just for these reason too. In Belgium we are not equipped for a lot of snow so each time it is the chaos in the country. Now I always have the fridge and deepfreeze full, so that we can stay home. My neighbour last week got stuck for 2 1/2 h in her car and others up to 11 h ! Cats don't suffer from cold, Kim sleeps outside in the sun even when it is 14 F !! She is crazy !

Anya said...

Have a very happy New Year
and a wonderful and happy 2010 :-)


Lynx217 said...

hugs! ice is so scary on so many fronts. we're glad your beans got a generator for you because it's too much stress on older kitties for sure!

Noll's Nip said...

Glad to hear you are alright. I agree that the snow and ice have a beauty about them; but wish they wouldn't do the damage they sometimes do.



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