Wednesday, December 2, 2009

White Wordless Wednesday

Click here for more Wordless Wednesday posts!


ninja said...

Feeling sleepy. That second photo is just too cute.

catsynth said...

Such cute photos!
I really like the first one in the blue tube.
Luna also likes to sleep with her paws against her face like in the second picture :)

Cats in trees said...

Have we ended up in mixed up fairy tale land? Snow whites are sleeping beauties?

Calico Crazy said...

What a gorgeous trio! ~ Calico Contemplations

Sparkle said...

Pretty photos! Even makes the office depot box look elegant!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! We like the tunnel snoozin'.

Snowcatcher said...

Pretty funny! I thought we were going to see snow. This was much better! (Although I'm not saying I don't love snow, too...)

Lynx217 said...

Gorgeous isn't quite right... most adorably gorgeous possibly. White cats are just so adorable because the whiteness makes the eyes just stand out more. Such a precious face!

The Creek Cats said...

Beautiful kitties!!

Anonymous said...

It is Wednesday and you is wordless. We is thinkin' dat you scored 100 PURRcent on this day☺

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Pawsome photos...........purrrrrrrrrssssss

SeaThreePeeO said...

What a wonderfully white Wednesday!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

My mom always says that a picture is worth a thousand words and she is right. These photos of you capture your beauty. You are beautiful!!

Debra Taylor said...

How sweet they all are as they snooze! Cats are truly such amazing creatures.

I hope all is well with you in your cattery!

To anyone reading this - please visit my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. And you might decide to sign on as a follower to my blog since it has stories and information helpful for cat caretakers everywhere.
Thank you,


Anonymous said...


The Monkeys said...

You're beautiful and relaxed!

Sara Katt said...

What a pretty white kitty! Lovely shots!
Sara Cat

By the way, I'm blogging again after taking time off to help Anna with her blog for the NaBloPoMo during November.

Anna had a WW-post up yesterday. Visit her at:

We love Luna said...

humm This place looks really cosy and perfect for a nap!
I loved your pictures, you are so cute!
purrs and love

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You are as white as snow and very beautiful. Marshmellow said "We could be related."
Purrs and hugs
from Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines

Ellen Whyte said...

Look at those lovely sleepy eyes! Great picture.



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