Momcat Lily that following spring.

Lily's second litter of kittens.

Snowball - me- today! I am a big mancat, aren't I?

Bean Mom made a shelter under the house for us and gave us a spot on the deck to eat that protected us from the cold and nasty weather. I kinda liked living outside there and being the only kitten. Mom Lily took real good care of me but then she got pregnant again even tho bean Mom tried to catch us both to get us neutered. I was kinda left on my own a bit while Mom Lily enjoyed sowing her oats.
I would sit on the Tiki man on the deck and look in the windows watching the other cats inside and talk to them. Bean Mom gave me lots of toys and talked to me a ll the time but I would not let her pet me or come too close.
Next thing you know Momcat Lily had more kittens and I was just an extra! I hung around with the little guys some but they were just babies and I was almost a mancat. When they got older, they looked to me like a father since Mom was busy living her life. She was a great momcat to us as kittens but when it was time to move out she took off and left us to fend for ourselves. Bean Mom took real good care of us too.
We got so used to bean Mom even when she put a cage out on the deck and put our food inside. We accepted it and used it as our food station. One day while we were all in it, she closed the door and caught us all! We howled and fought but we were in.
Lily's second litter of kittens.
She had a great shelter already for us that a friend of hers had made from an insulated shed with windows and electricity and a fenced area outside with access thru a cat door. We were scared at first but eventually got used to it and liked being safe, fed and cared for. Bean Mom got us all neutered too and that is when I started to put on weight - I am a roly poly guy now at at four years old. I guess I used to be so afraid I was not gonna get a meal that now I still eat like a wild cat!
Snowball - me- today! I am a big mancat, aren't I?
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