Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Hey everyone...Only here. Remember about a month ago I had to go to the VET cuz I was having to pee a lot and was running around like it hurt? Well I am feeling much better but Mom had to take some pee to the VET to see if I was getting rid of those bad crystals in my pee.

She was driving me nuts...hanging around whenever I was even looking at the litter box. She got some the first try by sliding a saucer under me when I was peeing ( how embarrassing) but got it all mixed up in the litter. She tried everyday for a week. Some days I just would not cooperate and wouldn't even go near the litterbox!

Well yesterday she finally got some pee for the VET - much better than having to take me there again. Turns out I am doing better overall but still have a little bit of infection and some crystals. I hate the food they make me eat but I guess I am going to have to chow it down whether I like it or not.

Dr. Andrea said it was an ingredient called D L methionine (an amino acid) that dissolves crystals and to mix the food in with other food and maybe I would eat it. She is a cool VET - she does people acupuncture and pets, Chinese herbs and is an animal behaviorist too. Lots of degrees and stuff. Maybe she can help Al be a nicer playmate to us all. He can be such a bully! Might just see what she can do.

Anyway I am very thankful I am getting better and hope we can solve this with the new food. Happy Thursday!


Gus and Val my Bean said...


My Bean and I are happy to hear you are feeling better. My Bean took me to the V E T on Monday cuz I had a URI and I needed my shots. The V E T gave me some medicine and I'm doing so much better already. The V E T was really nice and did not stick anything up my tuss so I was happy. I don't like my medicine, but my Bean keeps sticking it in my mouth and making me swallow. Ick.


Hoshi said...

oh,, so sorry to hear that,, but glad to hear that you are feeling better :)

I love the last picture, so loving!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear your are feeling and doing better!!! Even though your food may be sucky for's helping you! Just chow it back and before you know it, you'll be better and getting your normal NOMS back!

We love Luna said...

You are nice and everything will be okay soon, please be always positive my dear friend.
I think the new food is a great help.
Mommy here is always concerned about food and fresh water.
You are brave!
All my purrs and prayers for you
Luna - We love Luna

JC said...

That's good news ...

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Hi Only,

We're so glad to hear that you are feeling better! We'll send more purrs so that you'll be all the way back to your regular self soon!

Hope you all have a nice weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar

Lisa Kolosey said...

That's good news Only! You sure do look healthy and handsome too.
Let me know what Dr Andrea says about Al...we have the same problem with Snafu being such a bully and it's almost like he's teaching Owen to be a bully too. We want to nip it in the bud (not catnip, though).
~Lisa Co9T

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all thankful you are getting better!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad you're feeling a bit better. We MOL'd about the saucer even though we agree that it's embarassing!!

Mom had a great VET in Pennsylvania that did the same things yours does. We miss Dr Khalsa, she was a cool lady.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

My BrOTHER Gandalf had crstals in his urine last summer and now all the boys have to eat only prescription foods. Not being able to pee is No Fun at all! I am glad you are feeling better!

Cats in trees said...

We think your Mom is a hero, going through all that. And we are glad to hear you are doing better.

CCL Wendy said...

Well, I'm glad you're feeling a little better, Only, and hopefully soon you'll be completely back to normal. You have a wonderful mommy who really cares about you, so you should do what she wants because she's only trying to help.

As for Al, I told your Mommy he needs a girlfriend. That's why he's so cranky.

The Island Cats said...

We're glad you are doing better, Only! Sounds like you got a really good vet there taking care of you!

Everycat said...

Your vet sounds awesome. That suggestion for the methionine sounds good too, better than having to eat nasty prescription fuuds fulla horrid cereal stuff. We hope it works and gets rid of those crystals.


Carla said...

What a beautiful cat you are!! We have an all white too, hopefully she will mature into such a beauty:) Glad your feeling better:) (your catster friends: Uno and fam)

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You are so beautiful and remind me so much of my Marshmellow.
I am glad you are better and hope all that infection clears up soon.

From your friends
Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines

GLOGIRLY said...

We're happy you're getting better Only!
I just wanted to say I LOVE your name and I LOVE your pretty white fur coat. You are so beautiful.

(Glogirly's cat)

Ingrid said...

Glad to hear that you are better ! You really are such a beautiful cat, you could be a twin to my Arthur, lol ! No cats love medicine, but sometimes you have to listen to your humans.
Lisa who is 18 years old pees a lot (but drinks a lot too) I have to take out at least 4 clumps of pee of her litter box 3 times per day. It's just amazing what such a little thing can pee ! but she feels well nothing hurts and she eats well too. In fact she leads a normal life for an old cat. As long as she doesn't suffer I will not take her to the vet, because she gets so excited that she vomits ! I prefer to leave her in peace as long as it is possible.

Teddy Westlife said...

I'm so happy you're feeling better!

Marg said...

You are a very pretty cat. Sorry you are having all the pee troubles. But it sounds like you are getting a little better. And Please tell your mom thanks so much for putting the two cats that need a home on her Facebook page. That is terrific. We want so bad for those two to find a home. Our mom is trying really hard to figure out a way to take them here but it is so croweded here and that wouldn't be fair to them.

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

so glad u r feeling better! oops! just got a love bite and a little lick from my tiger! luv my kitties!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad you're feeling better.

Amy said...

awww good that you are feeling better. lots of purrs and meows to you =^:^=



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