Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tosies, Tummy Tuesday with Darby

Oh Mom, what do you want now? I was sleeping a nice nap!

It's tummy tosies Tuesday is it? I will be happy to show off my fluffy white tummy and cute toes!

How was that? Can I go back to napping now? Happy TT Tuesday everybody!

For more Cats on Tuesday visit Gattina!


SeaThreePeeO said...

Mums just never get 'napping', do they?

We love Luna said...

oh again...mommy and that flash box!
But these are beautiful pictures!

CCL Wendy said...

You are very cute indeed, Darby! You know just how to pose to show off all the best stuff, like the toesies, and the floofy tummy!
Good job!

By the way, Al is on the LOLSpot today.

The Creek Cats said...

You've got the cutest tummy and toesies ever, Darby!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

We are always having our naps interupted with the flashy box. We do think that you have the best tummy ever!

Happy napping.
From your friends
Peanut and Marshmellow
and of course our mama

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Darby what a cute kitty you are. We love the smudge of gray on your lip.
Madi and Mom

Brian's Home Blog said...

Just sleep right though it Darby!

Anya said...

Hi Darby
Please go sleep and don't look at the camera
our mommy's always with those flashboxes :(
But your belly and toes looking very sweet
thanks for showing to us ...
hugs & love
Kareltje =^.^=

GLOGIRLY said...

Those sleepy eyes say N-A-P! You're looking super cute on this TT. : )

(Glogirly's cat)

Brian's Home Blog said...

I just left you an award that you can pick up on my blog. If you have gotten it already, that' okay too!

Hoshi said...

What a fuuurrrryyyy tummy you got!! So cute :)
I want to take a nappy with you!

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom wants to snorgle your tummy!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

meowmeowmans said...

We love your fuzzy belly. Go back to your nap, Darby ... sweet dreams! :)

The Kitty Krew said...

Darby, you is gorgeous! We love those toes and that tummy. Thanks for letting your mom take the photos to show us!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Chair Speaks said...

Love how the paws hang loose in a relaxed way in the first picture. Cute!


Everyone loves a floofy tummy! Naps are the
best in winter!

Ingrid said...

Poor you ! always disturbed in your nap ! and on top of it you have to show your tummy ! It really is indecent, although your tummy is so cute !

Catherine said...

Hi! Just found you through Brian's Home. Your blog is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Our momma says that is a tummy that should be tickled☺

Annie Bear said...

Hee hee, Darby, looks like you're showin' it all off too! Both your tummy & toesies are very cute!

They always want to disturb our naps don't they? You were a good sport!


Carla said...

What a Beautiful Kitty Cat!!

Cliff and Olivia said...

The Humans don't seem to get what napping is all about but you were very gracious about the disturbance - great photos :-)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Isn't is terrible when they wakes us up?

Cat with a Garden said...

Although we were supposed to appreciate your tummy and toesies (which are very cute) we couldn't take our eyes off your nosie. Mom says she wants to kiss it! Be careful.

Anonymous said...

Darby, it was very nice of you to interupt your nap for your Mom!



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