Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tabby Tuesday with Tabitha

Guess what? I got to come inside the house to live last week. I had been living int he shelter next to the house. Al was picking on me so much I was getting bladder infections all the time cuz I was afraid to come out to use the litter box. Mom didn't want to move me away from Lily, my catmom and all my brothers and sisters but this was the best thing for me right now.

Mom made me a hidy place under the chair in the bedroom with a box and snugly blanket. My food bowls are right next to me and the litter box is in the bathroom. At first I hid under the bed but then I came out after a couple of days and sat in my box.

I knew all the other cats in the house but I had not seen them since we moved last year. They didn't remember me either and there was a lot of hissing and swatting at first but things are getting better.

I come out into the living room now and up on the bed. I love to be petted by Mom and Pop and feel a lot safer inside here away from Al.

Come spring it looks like Mom will have Pop build Al his own house, attached to the shelter. He will be able to visit us under supervision but when no one is with us he will be in his own house. I think we will all be happier that way.

For more Cats on Tuesday visit Gattina!


Old Kitty said...

Awww Tabitha you poor sweetie!

I hope you are settling in well and that your bladder infectious are clearing up. Big hugs from me and the Cat!

I hope Al will be happy in his own little house - it'll be nice when he visits under supervision and you'll all then get along!

Take care now


Kea said...

Aw, Tabitha, we're glad you are inside now and starting to feel better, feel more comfortable.

Lots of purrs and kitty kisses to you and to your two-legged mom and dad for being such wonderful humans!

Cindy said...

Sweet Tabitha.

Ingrid said...

She looks so much like my Pookie ! It's sad when a cat is so shy and others attack her ! Now that Lisa is so old and deaf I have to keep her in her "own" room with food and litterbox, because she is so defenseless and when she hisses she starts to caugh and then she would vomit, poor thing.

The Chair Speaks said...

Glad that you are happy to have your own corner in the house and feeling better.

Beth said...

I'm glad Tabitha got to come inside. She's a sweetheart and I can tell she's loving having the run of the house!

JC said...

I'm glad she's inside now. Even if she is shy & there is hissing ... it's better for her.

Daisy said...

I'm so glad you are getting along so well Inside where you are safe from Al. That looks like a great setup you got there!

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Tabitha, we're glad you got a place inside for you!! Now, let's make furiends with all the other kitties!

CCL Wendy said...

Well, I'm glad you're out of harm's way, Tabitha! Or should I say "Al's Way". It seems as if it's Al's Way or the highway. Well, I guess old Al will get his comeuppance! (He is one of my faves, but has a little too much testosterone, I think.)

Glad you're feeling better, Tabitha! Nobody needs stress like that.

Jacqueline said...

Tabitha we're glad you got to come into the house and get all that loving attention; hope you are feeling better soon...It sounds like a good idea for Al to get his own place and have supervised visits...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Brian's Home Blog said...

YAY! I'm happy you are inside and things are working out pretty good!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

,. Shame on Al. I hope you get to stay inside Tabitha. I know you must really love being in the house. Maybe Al will be happier in his own little house. I hope he is,cause even if he is a bully he's a cat too and we love all cats.
Little Sunshines

havetailwillwag said...

yay!! living indoors will be good for you! you'll be safer and have more attention!

does al bully other kitties or is he just being mean to you?


Some times kitties can be mean to
other kitties and I am happy to hear
that nice people have taken their time to be kind and help you out!
We ♥ Tabitha and we ♥ nice people!

PAWSVolunteer said...

So glad to hear that you're on the mend, Tabitha!

Andree said...

How fortunate you are to have your mom. She is wonderful. And you are a very good looking kitty. I hope your anxiety is decreasing daily. Bless you and your family.

meowmeowmans said...

Glad you are feeling better, Tabitha. Isn't it nice being inside?

We love Luna said...

Happy news, I hope you are enjoying some nap in some comfortable sport there right now!
purrs and love
Luna - We love LUNA

The Kitty Krew said...

We're happy you got to move inside, Tabitha, looks like you're settling in well; we hope you'll get to stay there even after Al gets his new house.

We hope your mom is feeling all better and belated congratulations on your blogoversary! :D

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

PS - heehee, our word verify thing is "tricat" - we giggle at anything with 'cat' in it...

Anonymous said...

aww, insidey snugglies!



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