Mom wasn't blogging for a couple of days to catch up on the house cleaning and yard work. I helped inside with the vacuuming! All the other cats are very afraid of this thing but not me! I will stare it right down - I even like the sucky thing on my fur - it feels tickly!

Everyone else runs and hides under all the sofas and beds. when Mom gets to that room they all run out again scramabling to get out of that room and hide in another place. Such silly cats!

After all that work, I had a long nap and lots of cuddlies with Mom. What did you do this weekend?
Everyone else runs and hides under all the sofas and beds. when Mom gets to that room they all run out again scramabling to get out of that room and hide in another place. Such silly cats!
After all that work, I had a long nap and lots of cuddlies with Mom. What did you do this weekend?
For more Cats on Tuesday be sure to stop by Gattina's! Happy Tuesday!
You are furry brave to be in the same room with the suckie monster let alone having it suck your furs!!! CRAZY!!! We bolt like lightning to get away from it.
*Jaw drops*
Chica, you LIKE to be vacuumed???
You are one special cat!
Well, we actually hid from that vacuum thingy, you sure are brave!
Chica, our mama says you're a tortie after her own heart. Years ago she had a kitty that would ride on the canister vacuum while she vacuumed. Sammy doesn't like the vacuum; but Andy just lays there and watches it. Have a beautiful, beautiful day. xxxxxxx
You're looking fabulous today, Chica! All that helping out is great exercise!
Just goes to show...you never know what a kitty will do next! Our mewmie napped with us a lot this weekend...Disco sprayed a couple of times (think he's a bit miffed that the kittens get more bedroom time than he does right now)...that's about it!
Fearless Chica! Getting vacuumed must help the dustbunny quotient in the house! ;-)
You are so brave! Especially to have the sucky thing suck on you.
You are so brave! My kitties really don't like the vacuum at all (and some don't even like the broom lol!) Mimi will stay in the same room while the vacuum is on, but won't let it actually touch her. Happy COT!
Chica, you are a cool, brave girl to let your Mommy vacuum you, we are very impressed!!..We must admit, we hide from that monster every time we see it!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Pretty Pretty Tortie:) (brave too:)
Awww Chica - you are a brave, brave, brave kitty! Good for you for helping mum round the house!
I've only just discovered that my Charlie is also afraid of the vacuum cleaner and I tried to be really, really quick! I will read him your post so he'd see just how he too could follow you and stare the machine right down!
Take care
vacuum cleaner :(
I hate it I run always away :(
You are very brave !!!!
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Happy Tortie Tuesday, Chica - you're such a beautiful girl. We cannot BELIEVE, though, that you let a vacuum come within 10 feet of you. Our mom can't even take the vacuum out of the closet without everyone scattering (including our dad - he hates it too!)
You are a real special cat that you like vaccum cleaners ! All my cats disappear as soon as they only see it ! Only Arthur stays but he would never allow that I touch him with it.
ohmigod, take care okay, I'm always afraid of this "monster"! LOL
Munchkin's like Chica, she sorta likes the vacuum hose too! :)
Unbelievable! You are soooo brave!
We hid when we hear the voice!
Wow, Chica! You are very brave to let the rug sucking monster that close to you!
Chica, you are so brave! And pretty too! I love torties!
That is such a cute post! What did I do this weekend? Well, I sure didn't clean!!! I think I should've though. Maybe next weekend. Or the next . . .
you like the vacuum thing? i haaaaaaaaaaaaate the vacuum thing! how do you do it?!
You are such a brave cat, Chica. Wish all my cats are like you.
Hey Chica! Which do you prefer? A good brushing or a good vacuuming?
I am very furry scared of the vacu monster! I hide for hours after!
You are a brave kitty letting the vaccuum suck away at your fur. Banjo runs and hides as well. I love seeing videos of cats riding the robovaccuums ~ how cute is that?
You are SO brave, Chica! We are very scared of the sucky monster!
Please tell your mom and dad, and all the other kitties there at Wildcat Woods that we have tagged you for "Photo Tag!" We hope you'll join in the fun. Please stop by our blog to check out the rules. :)
Your pals at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
Most of us run from the noisy vacuum
hose thingie, sometimes we paw and
hiss if it gets too close!
Chica you are one brave kitty! :)
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