Monday, April 5, 2010

Meet Only and Two Spot

These two brothers love each other so much and spend all their time together even tho they have completely different personalities.

They were in the third litter of Lily's (read Lily's story) along with Smidge and Tabitha - a litter of three white cats and one tabby. The only way Mom could tell them apart was little black smudges on their heads when they were kittens - hence the names. Only had one spot in the middle of his forehead and Two Spot had two - not very original but it would help tell them apart or so she thought.

As they got older the spots disappeared and now there is no black on them at all. But Mom knows who is who (see her story about that).

These guys were born under our house in the crawlspace in early fall of 2005. Mom had caught the second litter before and brought them inside - otherwise Lily would run them off if they interfered with the new litter. Feral life can be tough. Lily was a great Momcat and brought all the kittens up on the back deck to eat and play during the warm days.

By the time the kittens were a few months old, Mom wanted to try yet again to catch Lily before she got pregnant and had more. She was very good at avoiding the traps! This time she was more used to Mom and so were the kittens. Only and Two Spot loved Mom and would let her play with them.

She would prop open the back door to the porch and entice them inside with toys. She was hoping to catch them this way and she did. She stood inside the house with the door shut but a string was tied to a small piece of wood holding the porch door open. She got Only and Two Spot inside and way in the back of the porch so they would not get caught in the door. She pulled the string and the prop holding the door open moved and the door shut! Boy were those two kittens freaked out!!!! They ran everywhere trying to get out, yelling for their mom.

Now Mom and Pop had to catch the kittens and put them in their own room for safety. That was not easy - they were scurrying around and hiding in and under everything. It was pretty funny to watch - we could all see from the windows onto the porch and supervised the whole thing. After a long while they finally caught the kittens and took them inside the house. She fixed up two big kennel cages with water, litter boxes and food for them. This would help her tame them - otherwise they would just hide from beans and no one could touch them.

They settled in pretty quickly and over time let her handle them. She eventually caught the rest of the gang and Lily the same way! They are all very loving and affectionate cats - especially Only and Two Spot.

Only is kinda nervous and a little shy. He loves attention and does a little dance for Mom when she comes near him. Two Spot is very sweet but he is an on the go cat - always things to do and places to go. He never sits still long enough to pet him! He loves to play and run around the shelter. He doesn't let anything bother him. Only gets stressed out easily and has UTI problems if he is not careful. Mom has to feed him special food for that.

Hope you enjoyed our story today! Visit Gattina for more Cats on Tuesday!


Kea said...

What a wonderful story about Only and Two Spot! Kudos to your mom (and dad) for catching them--and everyone else. It's great to know that no one will be making any more babies and that everyone has such a terrific home!

Anonymous said...

what a good story!

The Island Cats said...

What a great story! Thanks for sharing that with us!

Ellen Whyte said...

Terrific story. You'd never guess these two started life as ferals!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat was a good "gotcha" story. Glad Lilly won't be haffing any more kittens. Tho dey is cute.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is an interesting story! It is great to know more abouts you!!

Sharon Wagner said...

They are handsome white angels. But I bet their halos get tarnished now and then.

My Mind's Eye said...

Great story of Only and Two spot....I tell you your mom has a good eye to be able to tell them apart!!! Madi and Mom

Unknown said...

I enjoyed the story as well. They are two beautiful brothers!

Andree said...

My sister caught her feral kittens the same way! Bless all of you who help these cats. They are beautiful and happy and safe now.


This is a great story! I wish all
kitties could live by people who
care about cats like your family does. They look so happy living there with you! Thanks for caring! ♥

Anonymous said...

I love the story about Only and Two Spot. I think their names are really cute. They do look like they love each other. You are such a good person to go to all the trouble to catch the little squirts.

Luna und Luzie said...

This is a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!

Ingrid said...

If Mr. G. would see this post and all the white cats and kitty pictures I would immediately move in with you, lol ! I is crazy about white cats it had always been his childhood dream and finally arrived Arthur whom we found in a shelter.

CCL Wendy said...

Loved the story of Only, Two Spot and their mom. As I've said before, I have a real soft spot for white kitties (which makes Two Spot a winner for sure)!

When I was a kid, our cat had a litter of white kittens, and there was a gray spot on one, as well. It's funny how those spots disappear, isn't it?

Bless you, once more, for taking care of lovely creatures and allowing us the pleasure of meeting them online.

By the way, forget what I said about a logo on any of the LOLs that you use. Just go for it!

Cats in Trees said...

They are very beautiful and lucky cats.

Irishcoda said...

Two handsome fellows! I enjoyed their story. :)

The Florida Furkids said...

What a great story! Thanks for sharing.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Al said...

Wow they look so adorable and white as snow...interesting story.

The Chair Speaks said...

Great story! Beautiful cats!



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