Uh oh, here comes that scapegrace, Al. I don't like to mess with him. He wants my spot I bet!
Yup - he thinks he can just take whatever he wants! I don't want to fight about it today - I am a lover cat not a fighter! I'll find another spot and Al can have this one. Anything for peace.

Al surveys his kingdom at Wildcat Woods.

Today's new word for the day is
scapegrace\SKAYP-grayss\ , noun;
1.A reckless, unprincipled person; one who is wild and reckless; a rascal; a scoundrel.
Hope you all have a peaceful day. (Mom likes to read and learn new words so this may be a regular feature on the blog... )

Al surveys his kingdom at Wildcat Woods.

Today's new word for the day is
scapegrace\SKAYP-grayss\ , noun;
1.A reckless, unprincipled person; one who is wild and reckless; a rascal; a scoundrel.
Hope you all have a peaceful day. (Mom likes to read and learn new words so this may be a regular feature on the blog... )
We agree loving is easier than hissing fits. We don't blame you for moving the day is too pretty to waste.
Madi and Mom
HEllo sweet friends!
Here the nights are still cold as well.
I would like to visit your place that spot looks great to see the birds!
purrs and love
Learning new words is a good thing to do, maybe we'll learn, too. You are a great peacemaker.
That was very magnanimous of you, Two Spot, to give up your good spot to Al. (your use of the word scapegrace made us want to use some other big words too!)
That's really funny because as soon as I saw the word "scapegrace", I looked it up in an online dictionary, before even finishing your post. I just love new words, and this one is particularly elegant, I find. I also love the meaning of it, and it fits dear Al to a tee!
It takes a big mancat to give up his place just to keep peace. So kudos to Two Spot!
P.S. Can't help but love that Al, though -- the scamp, the scalliwage, the scapegrace!
Yup it is much easier to give in and get the view when no one else is there.
I never heard of scapegrace before. Thanks for that info.
And pine cones in the pots sounds like a great idea. Mom is going to go some today. Thanks for that idea.
you are verreh good at keeping the peace. i think i has a temper.
That was very gracious of you, Two Spot, to give up your view. We hope you found another, equally as good!
We think our Nicki is a "scapegrace!"
Momma likes learning new words, too. But her brain might be full because she keeps forgetting stuff.
We are not too good about giving up our spot.
I don't blame you for wanting to keep the peace. Much easier!
You are right, it's a lot nicer not to fight. You were very considerate giving you good spot to Al. I can think of a furry white cat at my house who is sometimes a scapegrace. I love him even though he is a little aggravating at times.
Awww, Two Spot, you're a sweetie. You have such a nice place there and what fun to see the birds! Mama loves the word scrapegrace. What a fun word to learn!
Sharing the warm sunshine with Al
is a good thing, so maybe next time
Al will share with you!? :)
I liked your word of the day, too! Learning never ends! :)
Sweet that they are peacemakers. Those are nice pictures of them getting along.
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