We are celebrating Yoko for the entire weekend! Sorry about the fuzzy old photo of her...Mom took a picture of an old picture...but isn't she cute?
In 1993, Pop decided to surprise Mom with a puppy on Mother's Day, May 9 so he took her to the shelter the day before to pick out a puppy. No puppies! Not a one. So Pop was talking to the lady cleaning cages and she handed him a tiny tabby kitten barely 6-7 weeks old. He was smitten! That kitten was Yoko...the rest is history.
Yoko, named for her very distinctive voice, still had her kitten blue eyes when we took her home. She was very curious and lively. We kept her in the bedroom since Chica was not used to other cats. Yoko had something wrong with her..she could not keep any food in her - she either had the runs or threw it up. Mom took her to the vet but they couldn't find anything wrong and told Mom to stop changing foods on her. Mom didn't like that so she found a recipe in Anitra Frazier's book the New Natural Cat for cat mother's milk substitute and fed Yoko that. It worked - she kept it down.

Mom took her to another vet and they found a parasite in her tummy that was causing her to be sick. With the right medication, she was all better. I bet Yoko was glad Mom looked up stuff in her books!
Yoko is a very sweet kitty who loves cream cheese, naps and hidy spots way up high. You never knew where you would find her - on the refrigerator, on the closet shelf or on top of the kitchen cabinets! Now she can't quite get up that high. She still likes to nap in the strangest spots!
She has slowed down a lot, has lost most of her teeth and does like to sleep, well, alot! We love her very much and she is still the best Mother's Day gift Mom could have ever gotten!
Yoko will be pampered all weekend with lots of cream cheese, a special salmon dinner and all the loving she could want! In honor of Yoko, Mom will be giving away a copy of the New Natural Cat book to a lucky winner. So... if you don't already have a copy or would like one, be sure to mention that in your comments! (Canadian bloggers are included but sorry, we can't afford to post overseas.)
We have cake and cupcakes for the beans and treats, tuna flakes and nip for the cats. Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Mother's Day to all the great mother's out there - two-legged and four-legged. We are joining in on Photo Hunt (the word today is MOTHER), Weekend Cat Blogging and Camera Critters and Pet Pride too so be sure to go by and see more fun posts!
Wendy was sweet enough to feature Yoko on her Mother's Day post for the Lol Spot - check it out and thanks Wendy!
A very, very happy Gotcha Day to you, Yoko! 17, wow!
We'd love to come over and help you celebrate; we'll bring extra nip (catnip buds) and treats!
We hope you enjoy your cream cheese and salmon and cuddles--they sound marvellous to us!
Please do consider us for the draw, if people outside the US (we're in Canada) qualify. Our human has heard good things about the book, but never picked up a copy.
Have a wonderful weekend and a very happy Mother's Day to your human "mom."
Happy Gotcha Day to Yoko! Thanks for sharing her story. Happy Mother's Day.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy gotcha day Yoko! How wonderful that your found your mum that day. Here's to many many more.
Oh Yoko is so cute!! Happy Mother's day!
Mother Nature
MEOWZA!!!!!!!! 17th Gotcha Day!!!!!! What a milestone!!!!! You are totally gorgeous, Yoko, and we wish you many, many, many more.....aren't you happy that there were no puppies there that day??? :)
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Yoko! You are so beautiful. It was lovely to learn all about your life at Wildcat Woods. What a wonderful life it has been too!
Have a wonderful weekend, lots of cream cheese, lots of sleeps too!
& Gerry
Yoko, it sure looks like you have had a wonderful home for 17 years and we hope you will be there for many more years. What a great party this is too.
We would love to be put in the draw for the book. That looks like a wonderful book. There are 18 of us here so we really need our Mom to read that book.
Our home sounds a lot like yours with so many feral cats. We scrolled down and met everyone. Nice to meet them.
We wish your wonderful Mom a very Happy Mother's day. She is a super person for taking all of you into her life.
Hope you get lots of cream cheese.
Happy Seventeeth Gotcha Day, Yoko! What a teeny weeny little cutie-pie you were -- and you still have that same sweet face, only bigger!
You certainly like to keep on top of things, even for a ladycat of your age.
We're glad your mommy was able to fix your problems even when the vet couldn't, and that has helped you to lead a long and happy life.
What a great cake and treats! Dante, Dylan and Domino are on their way over right now to help you eat it all up, and they're bringing a big tub of nip to share, too! Have a great party, but stop for little nap now and then. We wouldn't want you to wear yourself out.
Here's to many more Happy Gotcha Days in the future, sweetie!
Sure we wouldn't mind being in on the draw for the book. Cool!
Wow, what a great party.
Yoko was an adorable kitten and grew up to be a real beauty.
Please include us in tha drawing, that looks like a furry good book.
Happy Gotcha Day to Yoko...
Love & Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
O, forgotted to menshun, I's bringed some of tha Voles iffen anyone wants to play chase?????
An some lovely Crunchy Mouse Pudding. You sure know how to haf a party, love tha foods.
Lovely series of cat photos!
Mother Goose
Happy Mothers Day! Yoko is cute, great photos!
Happy Gotcha Day, Yoko! You have the sweetest lil' round ear tips.
17 years in a great home, the best a Cat could hope for.
We'll bring a jar of moths to play with--you can just watch if you would rather be lazy! We're on our way!
ps: Happy Mother's Day to your mommie tomorrow!
Wishing you the bestest of the best Gotcha Day! Thank you so much for having me over to help celebrate. I loved the cake, it was soooooo yummy.
I am so glad that your found a furever home and are loved by your family. Life is great isn't it?!
Happy Mother's Day to your mom and Happy Birthday to Yoko! It sounds like this will be a great weekend at your house.
You were a cute kitten, Yoko, and a beautiful mature kitty.
We don't have a copy of the New Natural Cat Book.
Oh, dear, did we wish you a Happy Gotcha Day, Yoko? Well, we meant to, but we think we called it a **sigh** birthday.
A very, very HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, Yoko! It's good dat yoor bean mom did not lissen to dat vet and found a way to make sure yoo could eat and get better. We do not haf dat book and it sounds like a purrty good one so even if we don't win mom is gonna get it anyway.
Happy Gotch 17th Gotcha day Yoko.
You are indeed a beautiful lady.
Mom and I love the picture of you sitting on that stack of things...she said you were like the princess and the pea story.
We so enjoyed your beautiful b-day cake and treats...
Happy weekend,
Madi and Mom
Just adoreable.
As a Cat-lover you melt my heart with this post;)
Yoko is lovely. Happy 17 Yoko! Happy Mother's Day and Happy Critter Day!
Lovely shots of some very beautiful kitties. Happy Mother's Day!
Her distinctive voice. Lol.
Happy Gotcha Day Yoko! 17 is very impressive. You are a very special lady and just like you we like high places too (especially trees).
Happy Gotcha Day Yoko! You sure are a beauty. :)
I don't have any kitties at home right now, so no need to include me in the draw.
Happy Mother's Day!
Yoko is so cute! I loved reading her story. Happy Gotcha Day!! Yum! Cream cheese!
For some reason, your blog does not pop up in my dashboard. The most recent post it shows is months old. I even redid it. Have you heard anyone else say this? It's frustrating because I visit blogs via Blogger Dashboard and I just look at the recent updates. I can't figure out what's causing this.
I would love to be considered for the book!
Happy Mother's Day!!
Vicki (& Lucy)
Happy Gotcha Day! Pawsome pictures! You were such a cute little fuzzy kitten (and still are of course just not a kitten) Thanks fur sharing wif us!
Happy Gotcha Day, Yoko!! We loved reading your gotcha story! And this sure is a fun party!! Thanks for inviting us!!
We would love to be in the drawing for the book!!
And Happy Mom's Day to your mom!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Yoko!
Wishing you a furry Happy 17th Gotcha Day, Yoko!!! Hope you have a super fabulous day!
Wishing your mom a furry Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Gotcha Day, Yoko. That is a wonnerful storee. :) Kissees!
Happy Gotcha Day Yoko!...You were such an adorable kitten (of course your Daddy couldn't resist you!) who grew into a beautiful ladycat...Thank you for inviting us to your party...We would love a chance to win the book...kisses to our sweet friends...Happy Mother's Day to your Mommy too...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy 17th Gotcha Day Yoko!!!
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
Happy Gotcha Day Yoko!
17 is amazing! That is a great milestone, and your parents must be sooo proud of you!
Looks like you're getting spoilt rotten!
Happy Mother's Day to your mummy!
Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
Yoko we wish you a wonderful Happy Gotcha day with lots of cream cheese and good naps and cuddles!
17 years old and still as beautiful as ever - enjoy your special treats, sweet Yoko.
A very Happy Gotcha Day to you, Yoko! You surely are a beautiful lady! Enjoy all the goodies for the day!
Sam and Mojo
wish you a very happy gotcha day, Yoko! You are a lovely girl and we hope that you enjoy all of your tasty treats.
We would like to be included in the drawing for the book - our momma is very interested.
Happy weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar
We came back because we heard there were voles! This is a pawsome party.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi, it's me again! Yoko's on the LOLSpot today celebrating her 17th Gotcha Day.
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Gotcha Day Yoko! What a great gotchaday story too! We already have the book...you have a very smart momma to look things up.
Purrs, Cory
We stopped back in to wish your Mommy a Happy Mother's Day from the 12 of us.
Happy 17th Gotcha Day Yoko and many, many mooooooore!! You were a cute baby kitty and a very beautiful grown up Cat!! Have a wonderful GD!!
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom, too!! We would enjoy the book you are giving away, too!!
Your TX furiends,
Precious! Happy Gotcha Day!
Thanks for participating in Weekend Cat Blogging! I have just posted the WCB Round-up at
Have a great week!
Oh boy, we were out chasing voles...Happy Mother's Day to yoor momma!
happy gotcha day!!!!
happy mothers day!!!!
Pet Pride
Yoko, happy belated gottcha day!! Looks like a wonderful weekend of pampering was planned and we can't wait to hear how it went!!
Sorry I wasn't here on Saturday for the blog party... your mama did invite me but I got busy and forgot!! :-( Oh, wait! We're just extending the party! That's it! :-)
Grey, Winnie, Annie, Peggy Sue and Bitty say your dad had the right idea for mother's day!! More beans should do that! :-)
(PS - Bitty totally agrees with your philosophy. She says "up high" is the only way to go!)
Happy belated Gotcha Day, Yoko. You were such an adorable kitten, which doesn't really surprise us since you are such a beautiful cat. We love the story about how you came to live with your mom and dad! :)
We wish you many, many more gotcha days.
Happy Belated Birthday YoKo. You are as old as my grandkitty Bunny. She turned 17 in April.
I hope your party was a good one. It looks like it was.
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