
Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Father's Day Tribute

"Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad." -- Anne Geddes

Not a lot of guys like cats like women do but Pop does. We would like to thank our Pop for all the loving, care and snuggles he has given all of us over the years. He does so much for us.....he shares his food with us, has driven in snowstorms to feed feral cats, shoveling the snow to make paths for them to get around, has taken injured strays to the vet, built shelters for us when we lived outside, dug graves to bury the cats who went to the Bridge and every night before he goes to bed goes around and says good night to each and every one of us.

He helps Mom take care of us in so many ways and even though he kept saying "No more cats!" he accepted and loved each one of us that was added to the growing group!

He has his favorites...whether they pick him or he picks them...Yoko has always been his kitty and can do no wrong in his yes. She will lay on his chest with one paw on his face all stretched out like a furry tie!

Sweetpea loves to snuggle on his lap and seeks him out over Mom.

And Al is Pop's boy..he gets extra scritches and lap time from Pop. Al knows he is
special with Pop. You can see the love in Al's eyes.

Thanks Pop and Happy Father's Day from all us cats! Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there!

Check out Camera Critters this weekend for more critter posts. And Pet Pride too! Mr Bear was back to visit us this all about it here.


  1. You have a *very* special human dad! Happy Father's Day to him!

  2. What a lovely Pop!!! Happy Father's Day to him - I hope you lovely kitties give him tons of cuddles and scritches too! :-) He is a real treasure!

    Take care

  3. A great big tip of the Good Cats' hats to your human dad!

  4. That was such a great tribute to your Dad, he is very special indeed!

  5. This is just wonderful. You have an amazing Pop! A very happy Father's Day to him!

  6. Happy Father's Day!
    Cats knows who loves them.

  7. Aw, what a beautiful tribute to your dad! You guys sure are lucky to have such a great father. :)

    Happy Father's Day, friends!

  8. That is a great post for Father's day.
    Great pics.

  9. You guys have a great Pop and we hope he has a very Happy Father's Day=be sure to give him extra cuddles and kisses today!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  10. Happy Father's Day to your dad. You giving him plenty of purry cuddles today?

  11. Adorable homage!Such a wonderful post, happy Father's Day!
    purrs and love
    Luna - We love Luna

  12. Happy Father's Day to your Pop!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  13. Your dad sounds like a great dad!!! Happy Father's Day to him!!

  14. Cats choose their people no matter how much people may think or wish it otherwise.

  15. What a terrific dad you have. Happy Father's Day to him.

    Of course your tribute to him can be your entry. We'll put your name in the drawing.

    Oh, we went by to read about the attempted bear break-ins. Looks like your dad is also good at screening a porch and keeping out the bear.

  16. What a great Pop you have! Aren't we lucky to have such great humans! Wish him a Happy Father's Day for us!

    Sam and Mojo

  17. Happy Father's Day! What a wonderful post. You have a super Pop and we could tell how much all love him!!!
    Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

  18. What a special tribute and Happy Father's Day to your Dad.

  19. Happy Father's Day to you Dad! We thinks that Sweetpea is cute! But all are cute! You are lucky to have a great Dad!

  20. Wow, what a special guy your Dad is, that is for sure. He sure is a special guy, not many would go around saying good night to everyone. Happy Happy Father's day to that wonderful Dad.

  21. so nice of you to cuddle to your great dad!!

    woof woof

    Pet Pride

  22. love this entry... your daddeh sounds amazing.

  23. You have an amazing Daddy. We hopes he had a Happy Father's Day.

  24. Great Post !..I can see how much you guys been loved by daddy and how much you guys love him. I do love my daddy too
    Happy Father Day to your daddy !
    Kisses and Hugs for your special guy : )


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