We have lots of senior kitties at our house. Mom says it is like a nursing home for cats here...we all need special care, food and monitoring but she doesn't mind. We give her lots of love, cuddles and lap time in return. A big thank you to
Sam and Andy for these cool badges!

Yoko is 17 this year and little Sweetpea is 11.....
Isn't this fun having badges for our elder cats. Yours look terrific. Glad to meet them.
Have a great day.
Oh, a senior center for cats. We think that's neat. Kinda like the fun senior center they have here for humans.
Cotton is our only senior at the moment so she's a member too.
What a pawsome bunch of seniors and a special purr to Chica!!!
What a wonderful gabble of seniors you have.
We enjoyed formally meeting all of you! Big thanks to your humans for providing such a great senior home. And Tasha sends special purrs to Chica. We will be sure to come back for the party.
We really miss our senior cats, Fletcher and Henry. Fletcher trained Tasha to behave when she was a wild tortie kitten, and we are eternally grateful for that. (As you saw, she still eats book jackets but at least she doesn't rip the pages out anymore!)
Love the idea of a Kool Kittie Senior Club. I shall have to tell my nephew Opus about this.
I saw that you were bidding on an item at the auction. Please go back and check the bidding. We already have a higher bid on that item than the one you left. Thought you would want to know so you could up the bid if you want the item.
Congratulations to all the new members of the Kool Seniors Kitty Klub! :-))
Oh my goodness - such beautiful and very stately and dignified seniors!! Yoko, Minnie, Joey, Ivy and fantastic Chica - you all are amazing and bring a special sparkle to the excellent Senior Kitty Klub!
Me and Charlie look forward to celebrating Chica's Special Day! take care
You all looks very good- seasoned and wizened. Now everyone know they gots to listen to you cause you knows lots!
Sammy and Andy's mom sure does nice work!
That's a bunch of seniors! Um, just how many cats are there in the wildcat woods? Mommy thinks 12, we say more!
You are real KOOOOOL cats :)
So many gorgeous senior kitties=we love learning a little more about everyone...Their badges are all adorable=love all those sweet faces!...Looking forward to Chica's birthday party...kisses beautiful friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
They look so cool! Au is a senior cat too but we haven't applied for the badge yet. Ho wmany kitties do you have at WWoods? We guessed about 12 too!
Your senior cats are lovely.
Wow, Chica will be 19 soon and yes, that calls for a birthday celebration!
Wow, you gots lots of seniors there. at 12 1/2, I'm the only one in our house.
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