Sunday, June 20, 2010

Solstice and World Peace and Prayer Day!

Today marks the Summer Solstice - in the Northern Hemisphere, summer solstice begins on Jun 21 2010 at 7:28 AM EDT

Sol + stice derives from a combination of Latin words meaning "sun" + "to stand still." As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky.

As a major celestial event, the Summer Solstice results in the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The Northern Hemisphere celebrates in June, but the people on the Southern half of the earth have their longest summer day in December.

It is also World Peace and Prayer Day for Native Americans and all of us on the planet.

World Peace and Prayer Day was founded in 1996 in the Black Hills of South Dakota by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th generation keeper of the sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of the Sioux Nation. Arvol Looking Horse was led by a vision to honor sacred sites and to invite all nations and all faiths to do the same, to heal our relationship with our mother, the Earth. World Peace and Prayer Day is held annually on the summer solstice, a powerful day to pray for peace among all living beings.

Let's all do something to honor all creatures and Mother Earth on this very special day. It can be as simple as a moment of silence. Below is a request for prayer from Chief Arvol Looking Horse.

To All World Religious and Spiritual Leaders
My Relatives,

Time has come to speak to the hearts of our Nations and their Leaders. I ask you this from the bottom of my heart, to come together from the Spirit of your Nations in prayer.

We, from the heart of Turtle Island, have a great message for the World. We are guided to speak from all the White Animals showing their sacred color which have been signs for us to pray for the sacred life of all things. As I am sending this message to you, many Animal Nations are being threatened, those that swim, those that crawl, those that fly, and the plant Nations. Eventually all will be affected from the oil disaster in the Gulf.

The dangers we are faced with at this time are not of spirit. The catastrophe that has happened with the oil spill which looks like the bleeding of Grandmother Earth, is made by human mistakes, mistakes that we cannot afford to make.

I ask, as Spiritual Leaders, that we join together, united in prayer with the whole of our Global Communities. My concern is these serious issues will continue to worsen, as a domino effect that our Ancestors have warned us of in their prophecies.

I know in my heart there are millions of people that feel our united prayers for the sake of our Grandmother Earth are long overdue. I believe we as Spiritual People must gather ourselves and focus our thoughts and prayers to allow the healing of the many wounds that have been inflicted on the Earth. As we honor the Cycle of Life, let us call for Prayer circles globally to assist in healing Grandmother Earth (our Unc I Maka).

We ask for prayers that the oil spill, this bleeding, will stop. That the winds stay calm to assist in the work. . Pray for the people to be guided in repairing this mistake, and that we may also seek to live in harmony, as we make the choice to change the destructive path we are on.

As we pray, we will fully understand that we are all connected and that what we create can have lasting effects on all life.

So let us unite spiritually, All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer. Along with this immediate effort, I also ask to please remember June 21st, World Peace and Prayer Day/Honoring Sacred Sites day. Whether it is a natural site, a temple, a church, a synagogue or just your own sacred space, let us make a prayer for all life, for good decision making by our Nations, for our children's future and well-being, and the generations to come.

Onipikte (that we shall live),

Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe


A few Good Cats said...

Excellent idea! We could use all the peace we can get right about now...

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Summer Solstice! Your cats all look very content and happy.

Your pal, Pip

Katnip Lounge said...

Interesting post...I'll have a moment of silence, it's always good to stop and reflect.
MomKat Trish

Jacqueline said...

A lovely and interesting post!...Happy Summer Solstice sweet friends...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Ellen Whyte said...

We've been out tidying up - didn't realise it was a prayer day for nature so lucky coinkidink

SeaThreePeeO said...

Happy Summer Solstice. We shall join you in praying and purring for World Peace

Kea said...

We hope you have a Joyous Solstice, and yes, we'll be joining in for World Peace and Prayer Day.

Universal Blessings to all. :-)

Old Kitty said...

What a wonderful thing to celebrate! Happy World Peace and Prayer Day to you too.

Me and Charlie will definitely take a moment to say this beautiful prayer especially now when Mother Earth and all her creatures really need it!

Take care

The Creek Cats said...

Thanks for letting us know about this day. We will do something special to honor Mother Earth today!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a wonderful post and the moment of silence is a really great idea.

Mishkat said...

Thank you so much for the reminder. We also think that the solstice is a very good day to join together and pray/visualize/send good thoughts - and this is so important right now.

Anonymous said...


Keiko said...

That is a great post! Happy Summer Solstice! The Stonehenge looks very beautiful in that picture. We kind of wish that we could only view from afar - when our Mummy went to see it, there were ropes and a path all the way around it and it was very disappointing!

We love all things going back to nature and the spirituality experienced by all.
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla AND Yuji

My Mind's Eye said...

Wow this is one very special post. We learned things and were inspired to be better stewards of our earth.
Madi and Mom

Ingrid said...

Very interesting ! Summer officially started here today, but it's freezing cold !

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Wow!!!!!!!! Our mama was quite interested in the fact that the World Peace and Prayer Day was founded in South Dakota.....she was born and raised there....many, many, many, many years ago!!!!!


Marg said...

That was a wonderful post and very educational about the Indians. We certainly will have a moment of peace which is good for all of us. Thanks so much for this nice prayer.
Have a Happy Solstice Day.

Noll said...

Beautiful post....We purr for peace especially now, today, at the Solstice.

The Island Cats said...

What a great idea!! Happy Summer Solstice to all of you!!

Ikaika said...

The blessings of peace and the solstice to all the Wildcat Woods cats and their humans...

Teddy Westlife said...

It was the winter solstice here - the shortest day of the year for us. Now I can look forward to more sunshines coming!



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