This is Two Spot, the hyper one of us. He zips around, zip, zip. Never stops!
Norm is the manly silent type...always there but very quiet and dignified!
Only is our special boy - he is very shy and loves his Mom. Whenever things get a little too busy here, he hides in the cabinet. You can here the bang, bang, bang of the door when he tries to get inside! ....well, Al. He is pretty laid back these days, for him that is. We are going try one of those Calming Collars on him. Hope he lets the beans put it on him. We will keep you posted if it many folks have said it was great. Keep your fingers (or paws) crossed!
And lastly of us white mancats is Sam..he is another quiet one. If you bother him in his hidy place he will hiss and growl but don't mind that. He is a sweety..just likes to be alone!

That is it for today. Mom and Pop have been busy replacing all the screens on our porch this past week. Mr. Bear torn a few of them last year trying to get in! Mom will try to catch up on her visiting...she is getting WAYYYYYY behind! Sorry about that. We cats take a lot of time to take care of!
It's an excess of handsome mancats here today! A huge pat on the back to your "mom" for taking care of you all!
Happy Monday!
Very handsome mancats! We likes learning about the pride.
What a plethora of handsome white mancathood! They all look so at ease and content (even Al for a change!).
As you know I have a penchant for white kitties (having grown up with them). There's something special about each and every one.
What awesomely goregeous mancats you are!!!!!!!
Please be purring and purraying for our dear friend, Paddy, from Cats In Trees. She has had some very serious surgery and is not doing very well.....her kittens have discovered solid food so they will survive. Thanks and xxxxxxxxxxx
what a whole lot of white mancat!!!
Wow that is just too much handsome all in one place. All the girls here are packing their bags and are on the way to your house.
It was fun hearing about all of you and how different you are. We are the same way.
You white mancats are all so handsome! Purrs to your mom for taking care of all of you so well!
Aren't white cats just so beautiful? You describe their personalities wonderfully. I love their names.
Love all the white kitties!!! So great to see you all!
At one of the feral colonies our mom manages and feeds, there are 5 white cats, there used to be 6, but last year one got very sick and had to be put down. She'd never see some many cats of one color at a colony before.
Wow, talk about handsome dudes!!1
*sniff* they remind me so much of my beloved Snowflake... but they're so handsome too!
Thank you for posting about your white boys. My you have some cute white cats. Being shy is ok. My Meredith Ann is very shy. She's always hiding. I take her downstairs everyday. If I didn't she'd stay in the closet her whole life.
SIX white cats!?! Mommy is on her way! She claims that white cats are the naughtiest of all cats.
They are all so good looking. *sigh*
whoa!! those handsome mancats really make my day today!!
Have a great week!!
Mr BEAR tried to get in? How scary!
Hello Snowball!! thank you for highlighting the gorgeous mancats of wildcat woods!
Two Spot is zippingly adorable! Norm is lovely and such a sweetie with dreamy eyes!
Only - awwww what a lovely name, Only!
Oh dear - Al! LOL! A bit of a rebel! Fingers and paws crossed that the calming collar works!
And Sam. Aww Sam!! A very handsome kitty!
Me and Charlie had fun meeting you all! Take care
You all are white...but so different!! And so handsome!
Must be lots of snoopervising to do with all those new screens coming in. You all have lovely eyes!
The kitties are fabulous!
Hmmmm! The silent kitties or the zipping kitties! Wonderful white mancats! My mom likes all their pictures!
Adorable set of pictures and great poses!You are sooo cute!
purrs and love
What beautiful white kitties you are too. Snowball you have that 'in charge' look in your eye...
Madi and Mom
So many gorgeous mancats, our knees are weak!!...We could be in love with you guys=you all really make us swoon!!...Happy week handsome boys!...kisses...xoxoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
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