We got a package in the mail for us over the weekend from Angel, Kirby and Mac. We joined in with the Christmas in July fun this year and they were partnered with us. What a cute Christmas card from them and all the goodies were wrapped in red and green paper!

Ivy inspected the box while Mom opened it up for us. Look -- we got cute kitty magnets and Hello Kitty band-aids for the beans.

There was lots of treats - all our favorite - Temptations ...in all our best flavors. Sweetpea called first dibs on those.

Joey got so excited he just got in the box and wanted all of the rest for himself! Mom made him get out so we could open more gifts.

Sweetpea is checking out the furry mouse. Doesn't that look fun? Minnie liked the paper better than all the stuff and was rolling around in it. She found the catnip toy - no wonder the paper smelled so good to her!

Since we have two groups of kitties, Mom closed up the rest of the box and took it out to the white cats to have fun with. Two Spot and Only jumped right in the box and began to check it all out. More treats and even some catnip which Mom let us have after we got done.

Wow we got a Kong kicking toy - that will be fun to practise our bunny kicks on. More catnip toys and a bunch of mousies! Smidge joined in on the unwrapping. The rest of the gang was too sleepy to come down and have fun!

Lily joined in and grabbed the catnip toys. We got a kitty cube too. They even sent some bath stuff for Mom -wasn't that nice of them?

We had a great time opening it all and will enjoy playing with all the great toys. The treats will keep us going for a long time! Mom likes the bath stuff - don't know why beans like to get wet!
We hope Angel, Kirby and Mac enjoy their stuff - we are new at this Christmas in July thing. We thank them and their Mom for all the hard work and thoughtfulness put into our box!
Hope you all have a great time watching this. Thinking about Christmas now...maybe this will bring us some cooler temps - it is still HOT HERE!!!!!
For more kitties today visit Gattina for Cats on Tuesday!
What a wonderful package! This Christmas-in-July thing sounds like great fun. Maybe we'll have to join in next year.
Have fun with your new toys and enjoy the treats!
Hi Wildcat cuties...we are glad to hear Mom is feeling better. I expect it has been as hot in Asheville as in Raleigh. Miserable.
What wonderful gifts and to just imagine that it is Christmas makes me and Mom cooler.
Happy Monday,
Madi and Mom
Wow you got some great stuff in your Christmas in July package. We only started blogging this year and did our first swap with Nixon and Fatty at Purrs and Snorts and we had a good time.
MeWowZa, you musta been good kitties! And we don't understand the human bath thing either, but we do like to steal mewms puffy bath thingy...she says good thing they are cheap cuz well we mess them up!
Wow, y'all really got some good stuff...plus a really great box!
You got a lot of great gifts. Wow! That kicking toy looks interesting. I'd like to try that. I bet you all had great fun with the nip and treats.
p.s. It's terribly hot here too. I can only dream of Christmastime.
Wow what a great Christmas in July package! We didn't play this year but we think maybe we will need to join in next time! It looks like you got so many fun presents and treats, and it was super sweet that they even included some stuff for the beans!
That is a lot of toys. What a great thing the Christmas in July event is. Looks like there is a little something for everyone. I bet there is going to be a good time around there. I am going to keep on putting some kitties on my blog from Watauga, since they have such good descriptions and pictures. Let me know if there is anyone special that I can do. I just want to bring them all home. Have a great day.
That is a GREAT Chrismouse in July package! We got one this weekend too!!! Hope you all have a Happy "Howliday"! Have fun with all your new, cool stuff!
Wow! What a pawsome package!
What a bunch of wonderful goodies!!!!!!!!!! We know you will totally enjoy. xxxxxxxxx
WOW! Wrapping paper, a box, and TOYS too! That sure is a great gift. We think we'll join in next year...this looks like a lot of fun.
Mommy loves looking at the whites...the center whiester in your header looks a LOT like our Sweet Pea!
Wowwee!! That's some great pressies you got!! You all are gonna have a lotta fun with them!!
Those are all great pressies, something for everyone!
Btw, tissue paper is always a big hit at our house :-)
How FUN is that !!!
I remember when I worked at one of the National Parks one Summer, they did Christmas in July.
Looks like you got some COOL gifts let alone the fun box.
Yay!!! Awwww what brilliant brilliant pressies!! This Christmas in July gift giving is such a fun thing to do!! Me and Charlie loved how Ivy and Joey and Sweatpea and playful Minnie! and Two Spot and Only and Midge and adorable Lily all found joy in each of the pressies!! Apart from the stuff for the humans of course! LOL!
We thoroughly enjoyed this post - thank you!!! Merry Christmas!! :-)
take care
Christmas in July is such fun, isn't it? Those are great presents.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow, that's a lot of really great stuff for you kitties! We love the card - it looks like Mac and/or Samson!
Wow you sure got great pressies! And a box and paper too!?!
Watching your christmas sure made us happy.
You guys got so many great toys and treats; we might have to join in on the Christmas in July game next year!...Have a fun week with all your new toys!...kitty kisses x3 sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What great gifts! Well, except for the bath stuff. What is it with humans and their weirdness with water?
Hey! How did I miss this?!?! Tempations?!?! Kicker toys?! Little mousies??!?! Oh my whiskers!!!! Can I come over and play wiff mew all?!?!
Christmas in July sounds terrific! We've got a new box too.
WE are glad you liked your presents! Thank you so much for ours! WE have posted the pictures!
Kitties had fun with those great presents!
What a wonderful surprise package. Those pics of Sweatpea in the catnip-infused paper are great. Enjoy your gifts.
What a lot of wonderful things. A very nice Christmas in July.
Have fun with all your new toys and all the yummy treats today,
you guys had a great Xmas!
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