Two Spot here for Mancat Monday...it's about time Mom! I like to drape over the edge of things and stretch. This is the best spot on the porch and I have it to myself today.

I am quite the talker and have lots to say.......

Uh oh she's got that flashy box again...I guess if I blog I gotta get used to the flashy box. Let's see if I can use it too.

Well, another relaxing pose for today. My advice today...love your mancats...they are the best! Happy Monday! For more blue shots (my blankie) visit Blue Monday!
Ooh, Two Spot, you can talk to us any day! What a gorgeous, sexy mancat you are! ;-)
Two-spot sure knows how to pick a pretty color, Cheri.
Happy Blue Monday!
Two Spot...enjoy your spot on the porch today! Mom says you have pretty green eyes!
Hi Cheri,
I used to have a male white cat. He was a character. He looks so much like Two-Spot. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures.
You are a very handsome man-cat and that blue blankie shows off your lovely white furs to purrfection. Get a nap now or you'll be getting very sleepy.
You have trained that kitty well. It picks the right colors for the right day. Very cute post and pretty little kitty.
Hope u had a pawsome 4th~!!!
AWwwwww Hello there Two Spot!! Me and Charlie think you are just adorable!! We also think you should blog more! LOL!!
Charlie says that you soon get used to the flashy box thing!
Have a peaceful relaxing time!
Take care
You are so CATsome, love your poses and your paws!
purrs and love
YAY, Two Spot.....we hope you will get to post more often!!!!
You are also one mighty handsome mancat.
Oh Two Spot you are a very handsome mancat. I would be glad to listen to you any time. ~Artemisia
Love your cat! Great way to pick your blue for the week. Stop by and visit when you get the time. Debbie
Two Spot, we want to see your two spots.
Anyway, you sure are a very handsome man cat. Those are great pictures of you all stretched out.
Have a great week.
You are looking mighty fine and quite a handsome Mancat you are!
GREAT! Now Mommy is a puddle and our luch will be late...Two Spot, your posts need to come with a "Handsome ManCat" alert!
Happy Mancat Monday, handsome!
You are too cool, and hansome, if I do say so myself!
Two Spot, you are a gorgeous mancat! We love all these pictures - you are extremely photogenic!
i does not know how some of you sleeps like that... BA sleeps all draped over stuff too, wif her head hanging over into space. do not get it.
If I could reach over, I'd rub your toe pads!
Oh those poses are so cute!
Love your cats.......my brother has two that look like yours. Thanks for sharing.
Oh Two Spot, we do love mancats especially ones as handsome as you!
Angel & Isabella
Hi Two spot (we love your name very original to us as we have never heard a kitty with that name). Madi thinks maybe she could compete with you in the talking department. She runs her mouth 24/7. She can talk the ears of a cornstalk.
Hot up your way this week just like here. You all stay cool,
Madi and Mom
How cute. Have a great day.
You're a very handsome mancat, Two Spot! You're making us want a nap!
We agree that man cats like you are more than worthy of love and respect!
You are so photogenic!
And you are really cute in these poses!
For all the folks (I consider cats and dogs as persons) reading this, my blog has stories and information helpful for cat helpers everywhere.
I pray that all the cat blogosphere kitties stay well!
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