We are a little late but thought we would join in on this fun game of how we got our names. Or at least some of us......
Chica was found while we lived in Florida in a town with a large migrant population so we thought a Spanish name was more appreciate. We named her chica for "little girl". We also call her Cheeky and Cheek.
Yoko came next and she had a loud whiny meow and talked constantly. It sounded a lot like Yoko Ono singing...so the name Yoko came to mind. Yoko also is called Yokie, Yokie Doke and Yoke.
Ivy was the first of our feral cats to get named. Since she lived outside I guess Mom was thinking plant names. Fern was another name she considered but Ivy seemed right. We call her Ive or Ivy do too.
The first feral litter was four kittens - 3 black and 1 tabby. Mom named Joey the tabby after Joey Tribiani on the show Friends cuz Joe was a ladies mancat. Two black kittens had big ears like Micky and Minnie Mouse - so Minnie got her name but Micky got changed to Nicky after he was TNR'd and they nicked his ear. Little Leroy was named after Pop's dog from years ago but Leroy disappeared at 6 months and we never found him or saw him again. Nicky went to the Bridge from cancer when he was 6.
Darby was caught on St. Patrick's day and Mom thought she was a boy so had named her a nice Irish name like Darby - we kept the name anyway. Darby gets called Dabba do after the Flintstones.
Sweetpea was so tiny as a kitten and still is at 5 pounds that Mom was calling her sweetie even from the beginning. Sweetpea seemed close enough to sweetie for her name. We also call her Sweepy.
This is going to be along post...we gotta lotta cats..do want us to keep going? OK...we will.
Mamacita showed up outside with 2 tiny kittens even tho she was almost a kitten herself. We went for the Spanish names again with Mamacita meaning "little mom" and Rosa and Manny for the two kittens. Manny went to the Bridge from a bladder blockage at age 2.
Al was named after Albert Einstein cuz his long white fur was sticking up everywhere as a kitten! We also cal him Ally Boo, or Ally B - even tho he can't hear us!
Now we come to the white cats.....that was a challenge and by now Mom was running out of name ideas. Lily and her kitten Snowball were first - Mom was trying for names about white things. Pretty obvious. Lily gets called Lil lil or just Lil.
Lily's second litter was 3 white and 1 tabby. We couldn't tell them apart so someone suggested George, George and George like George Foreman's kids! Mom liked that idea but Pop didn't, so Georgie, a girl got to keep the George part and the other 3 boys got named Norm, Woody and Sam from the TV show Cheers.
The next litter before we finally caught and spayed the ever elusive Lily was also 3 white and 1 tabby! The tabby is Tabitha - cuz she is a tabby! The white ones all had a thumb print of black fur on their foreheads - Two Spot had two spots, Only had one spot and Smidge just had a smidge of a black spot on her. The spots eventually faded away so now people wonder what their names mean but Mom thought it would help her tell who is who! So much for that idea!
And we might as well do Mom too - she was named after a radio show about a tugboat named Cherylann - with the ch sound like in cherry. She never really liked her name so changed it a lot to Cheri, Cher and finally just Cheryl.
Hope you didn't fall asleep during this...have a restful day! Time for a nap now!
I love all of your names ... and how you came up with them ...
That sure was interesting to learn all about your names, really cool!
What a great post about how you all got your names!
We're hosting a Super Sunday Giveaway. Come see
Mum wonders how you remember all their names not to mention all the extra names they have. They are all lovely kitties and all have great names.
Interesting post, we enjoyed learning about all of your names!...Halle is named for Halle Berry, the beautiful Catwoman, Calle is for Calista, meaning "most beautiful" in Greek, Suki/Sukki was an adult when she came to live with us and Mom added an extra K, Mommy Cat and Daddy Cat were named at the vet when they were getting fixed after having a litter in our garage...Mom is named for Jacqueline Kennedy...Happy Sunday sweet, beautiful friends...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki
How fun! We like the name game. Mommy want to do this for us but she keeps forgetting...
We MOL-ed over Lily's second litter and how all the kitten caps faded. How you can tell them apart is a mystery. We'd have to do a bunch of bum-sniffing to get them all straight in our heads.
You sure do have good names for all your kitties. Our Mom has terrible names for most of us. There are three brothers that are named Bees, Tees and Oh boy. Weird, right.
Don't you hate it when the cats disappear. I had one disappear 5 weeks ago and another one has been gone for 5 days now.
Anyway, our Mom really enjoyed reading about all the names.
Have a great day.
Thanks for playing the name game! I have a feline brother named Sweet Pea - he is 19 and fairly healthy!
Your pal, Pip
We likes your names, especially your Mom's name Cherylann.
Thanks for sharing how you all got your names...even your mom! We think you've all got some great names!! How you tell the white cats apart is beyond us!!
Wonderful!!! Me and Charlie love how you named some of the kitties after fab shows like Cheers and Friends! We definitely think Cheryl is a very pretty name.
We are very sorry to hear about Nicki, Manny and Leroy. Thanks for sharing their sweet stories here.
Take care
Wonderful history of your names. I quite enjoyed reading it. I especially like the white kittehs' story :)
Wow so many names and so many wonderful stories!
We always like to find out how other cats got their names. It's a fun challenge to give them good ones.
You've got a great imagination! Love those names.
Now I understand how you've got so many white cats.
Wow, your human's imagination had to be working overtime to come up with all those names! But there's a good story behind each one.
Thank you for taking the time to tell us about all your names! You haves a lot of great kitties!!!
What great imaginative names. Next time I need a name I'm going to consult your mom,
Happy Monday
it is interesting to learn all your names! so many kittehs in one house, it is unbelievable!
wow so many cute stories, so adorable friends and lots of names! :)
Thanks for sharing these stories, I do love it!
Luna - We love Luna
Very interesting post. You are so creative with naming. Love your new background - it's sharp!
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