Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tortie Tuesday

Hi everybody...Chica here today. I just want to set the record straight about me. I may be 19 but I still get around. I don't sleep all day as most of you might think! I love to play with my egg in the bed with Mom.

I keep Tabitha company and help her clean herself. She is still lonely being the last one to come inside. I think she misses her momcat.

I help Mom with the computer. I sit in her lap sometimes when she is working and help with the keyboard or I just snoopervise from the desk top. I like to lick her hands when she is typing (which drives her nuts) heeheehee.

I love to play and go to our toy box and pick out my favorite toy to play with. I like my mousy and the little jingle balls best.

So you see I live quite an active life for my age. I also like to watch the goats across the street and keep an eye on things outside.

Have a great day and please visit Gattina for Cats on Tuesday. Oh and Mom wants to thank you all for the nice comments on our blog's new look!


Kea said...

We can see you're still a very active ladycat, Chica! Lots of smooches to you and happy Tuesday!

Al said...

Hello kitty! You have lots of toys there...it would be nice if we all gather and play with those nice toys of yours. How about that?

Anonymous said...

Chica, you are verreh active indeed. it is good to know that if i make it to 19, i does not has to sit around like a bump on a log!

The Chair Speaks said...

Wow, Chica, you are 19! May you have many healthy happy years to come.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hi Chica - being active in body keeps you active in your mind - we think you are terrific. We like your basket of toys.
Love Hannah and Lucy xx xx

SeaThreePeeO said...

Chica, you're as old as you feel. You're pawsome!

Sharon Wagner said...

Lick'in hands. That's a new one. Mine just like to stomp all over the keys. And then lay down on the key board of course.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY for you, Chica!!! We're so happy to see you are staying young at heart!!!!

We think mama told you before how well she liked your new look, but in case she just thought it and didn't type it....all 3 of us love your new look.......especially the header!!!


Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Chica!! You put Charlie and me to shame!!LOL! We are very lazy compared to you as we like to nap all the time! :-)

We hope you enjoy helping your mum with her computer and have lots of time playing with your favourite toys!

Take care

We love Luna said...

Dear Chica
You are doing such a good job there helping your mommy!You are so smart!
I love your pictures and that pink toy is nice!
Happy Tuesday
Luna - We love Luna

Marg said...

That is probably what is keeping you so young, all that activity you are doing. Glad you are still feeling so young. So keep up the playing Chica and stay young. You srue are looking good.
Have a great day.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Good for you! we are happy to see that you are still playful and very active. You are a very beautiful 19 years old.
We love your new background and love the headertoo.

Ingrid said...

Torties are strong and live long and do lots of activities, that's true. My Lisa also was an example !

Tigger said...

Nice to see you are so active at your age! What a good kitty. You sure are fun!

Jacqueline said...

What a fun sweetheart you are, beautiful Chica; glad you are playful and staying on top of things...Have a fun day lovely girl...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Chica! It sounds like you have a very busy life - we think you should get to have some breaks at your age!

JC said...

Chica you are adorable !!!

Webbthistle said...

You are a beautiful, happy kitty, Chica and we love you lots! You are the purrrsonification (catification?) of tortie-tude!!!

The Island Cats said...

You are a busy girlcat, Chica!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Chica you are a lovely Tortie !!!!!!!
It is amazing that you are 19!! I am only 17,heehee
You certainly know how to have fun and I hope you keep on doing that for a long time :)
Thanks for the b'day wishes too!!!
Purrs Mickey

Mickey's Musings said...

Chica you are a lovely Tortie !!!!!!!
It is amazing that you are 19!! I am only 17,heehee
You certainly know how to have fun and I hope you keep on doing that for a long time :)
Thanks for the b'day wishes too!!!
Purrs Mickey

Splendid Little Stars said...

Chica, you are special, and so very helpful, too!



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