This is Eureka, an older kitty available from the Animal Compassion Network. Eureka, Einstein, and Mocha are siblings who have lived together since 6 weeks of age. Life has been fine until recently when the economy tanked, and along with it went home. Eureka has lived with other cats and dogs, likes being held, and is very affectionate. She likes to knead your lap to show her love. She would be a great lap kitty alone or with other kitties.

This is sister Einstein, She is a bit of a loner, but dogs and cats are okay. If you don't want a clingy cat, but like a calm presence, she's your kitty!

Mocha is a looker--more Espresso than mocha latte, but just as yummy in kitty land! Mocha is really all cat--friendly, then quiet. She dictates the pace, and the pace can be love all the way. This senior would love to be adopted with siblings Einstein and Eureka, but a single home is good too. Cats and dogs have been in her life, and that is okay as well.
Please share their stories and help us find a forever home for these lovely older sisters - hopefully keeping them together!
Mom just found out that Aug 13 is Fragrance Free Friday and since we don't use any chemicals in our house (Mom has allergies) we thought we would share this info with all since chemicals can harm pets too.

SeaYu, makers of environmentally safe cleaning products has declared chemicals in fragrances unlucky on this Friday August 13! They are asking all of us to refrain on this day from using any chemical based fragrance whether it is cosmetics, air freshener or cleaning product unless they are environmentally safe.
According to their press release - Animals have faster metabolisms and smaller lungs than humans, so not only are they processing harmful chemicals used in the home more quickly, they are also breathing them in at a faster rate. Because animals are closer to the ground, they are more often in direct contact with these harmful substances making Fragrance Free Day of special importance for pet owners everywhere.
Fragrance Free Day gives concerned consumers a chance to help spread awareness of the dangers associated with fragrance/chemicals in personal care and household cleaning products. This awareness campaign comes at a time when, according a recent report by ABC News, “Congress and the cosmetics industry are both calling for tighter regulation of the chemicals used in cosmetics and other personal care products due to concerns over possible carcinogens and other toxic ingredients.”
Fragrance Free Day gives concerned consumers a chance to help spread awareness of the dangers associated with fragrance/chemicals in personal care and household cleaning products. This awareness campaign comes at a time when, according a recent report by ABC News, “Congress and the cosmetics industry are both calling for tighter regulation of the chemicals used in cosmetics and other personal care products due to concerns over possible carcinogens and other toxic ingredients.”
For more details on Fragrance Free Friday click here. Let's make Friday the 13th a lucky one for us all!
P.S. in honor of Friday the 13th Minnie our black cat is featured on Black Cat Friday at Ollie's blog - go visit and say hi!
We sure hopes these kitties gets a nice home together. It would be sad if they not has each other.
I hopw they are adopted all together, how sad to be seperated after years together!
Thanks for the info on Fragrance Free Friday...important stuff!
Sending the warmest thoughts and wishes that these beautiful kitties find a new loving home! (((hug)))
Fragrance Free Friday!!! LOVE IT! I didn't even know there was such a thing. I too suffer from chemical allergies. I will for sure share this information tomorrow too! Excellent!
Have a good day!
xo Catherine
Oh we hope that they can find a wonderful forever home together soon! We will purr and cross our paws for them!!
And we think fragrance free Friday is a great idea - mom hates stink stuff because it gives her headaches!
I agree, they sure need to be together and we will be purring for them!
Me and Charlie wish beautiful Eureka, Einstein and Mocha find forever homes! We will purr and purr and send lots of hugs for them!
And thanks for the info about Fragrance Free Friday!! Less chemicals in products is always good!
Take care
We really hope they are all adopted by the same people; loud purrs for them finding a loving home together...Great information on Fragrance Free Friday...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hope the sisters can live happily ever after together.
Thanks for that info on fragrance free....it really was an eye-opener.
We sure hope these three find a place together!
Thanks for the SeaYu info, Mommy will check into their products.
Hope the kitties find loving homes soon.
Perfumes gives me migraine, so flowers and leaves are used to make the house and car smell good. :)
You write great descriptions. Wish we could have more kitties...
Beautiful friends and I'm sending lots of love and good energies for them.I hope they can be adopted for a nice family!
purrs and love
We love Luna
What beautiful kitties. We are purring that they find a home soon!!
Very interesting info on Fragrance Free Friday, thank you!!
We are hoping and hoping that these lovely kitties get a lovely home together. They would miss each other so much.
Oh I wish I could take those three cats. But I had better not. I sure hope they find a home together. Life is so sad sometimes.
Fragrance free Friday sounds great. We don't have any chemicals in this house either. We try to use all the Green stuff.
I think you hit the nail on the head about our Mister. I don't think he ever learned anything from his Mom or maybe he didn't have any sisters or brothers. I have always thought that.
Thank you for sharing the stories of these wonderful kitties. What a heart wrenching story. Sadly, we've had cats end up at PAWS under similar circumstances. We have our paws crossed that they all find a forever home together.
We are fragrance free in our house, so hooray for Fragrance Free Friday!
Oh, and lest we forget, we've given you an award! Stop on by our blog to pick it up whenever you have a moment. :)
Have a great weekend!
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