Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Gotcha Day to our Ivy!

Ivy's official Gotcha Day is Sept. 4 but with the holiday weekend coming up we thought we would post it early and celebrate all weekend so ya'll can come by!

It has only been 5 years since we caught Ivy to bring her inside - seems like forever! We have been caring for her since 1999 when she was about 6 months old living our yard and just had a litter of kittens. She was skinny and pitiful looking so Mom put out food for her not knowing there was a feral colony living in the woods behind our farm house. Pretty soon all of them came out for the food!

Ivy was the first to get trapped, spayed and released of this group - she was very independent and wild.  Mom could never pet her even when she put food down next to her.  She was a great hunter and caught voles, mice and birds, bringing them back to the head male Big Guy - the black and white cow cat in the photo above.

She loved to look inside the house and would sit on the back porch railing, peering in at us as we worked in the kitchen or sat on the porch.  When the last of the feral group Big Guy had died and Nicky was brought in to treat his cancer, Mom caught Ivy, not wanting her to spend the winter outside alone.

Once inside she adapted well to our life surprisingly and now is a love bucket wanting to sit on our lap all the time!  Who'd of though? She likes to watch TV with Pop, especially golf. She likes snug napping places and Joey is her fav nap pal.  Lots of times her little pink tongue is sticking out and she doesn't even seem to notice.  All of her teeth have fallen out but her appetite is great.  She is turning rusty color with age and has some skin issues during flea season.

We love her very much and are so happy to have her safe inside with us now. Since she loves catnip soooo much her Gotcha Day Party's theme is NIP!  So come on an enjoy some nip treat with us. For the kitties we have loose dried nip, treats and toys to play with and the beans can enjoy our special nip martini!   

We hope you all have a great time and will join in our celebration for a very special formerly feral cat!

 We are joinng Camera Critters today for be sure to visit our hosts.


The Chair Speaks said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy. We are glad you are indoors in a house filled with love. :)

JC said...

Happy Gotcha Day IVY !!!

I am so glad you were able to save her. As you know, I had a feral and they give such love. You are an absolute angel to be helping all of these lovely kittens and cats.

Big Hugs to you for being their miracle ...

JC ^,,^

Jacqueline said...

Happy Gotcha Day, gorgeous Ivy!...We are so glad your parents brought you into their loving home and you are safe and happy indoors...We are really excited to be at your party; thanks for inviting us=we LOVE nip too!!...We are honored to be your friends, sweetie...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Kea said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy! We're so glad you came indoors and have such a wonderful forever home. We wish you many more happy years to come!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Gotcha Day to you Ivy and I am so happy you found yor purrfect forever home!

The Monkeys said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy! We're so glad you were gotcha'd and we're on our way to party!

Old Kitty said...

Happy Gotcha day sweet and beautiful Ivy!! Me and Charlie are so glad you are now safe inside with mum! We hope you are having a brilliant time watching lots of golf on the TV all snug in your fave nap places with pal Joey!

Thank you for the invite - we are having a brilliant time!


SeaThreePeeO said...

What a pawsome party!

Happy Gotcha Day!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Congratulations on your Gotcha Day Ivy and we hope you will enjoy your party. We are pleased you like to get love and cuddles now and you are safe and dry inside with the other kitties.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

A very happy gotcha day Ivy. We sure will dig into the nip and play with the toys. They look terrific.
Your story has given our Mom some hope about the Momma kitty that lives here. She will come eat but will not let Mom touch her.
Ivy, we are so glad that you found such a wonderful home to settle in. Have a great day and many more.

Katnip Lounge said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy! Isn't it great to be formerly feral?

We'll stop in with a huge bouquet of Nip...seeing how it's your Fave thing!

Purrs & Kissies!

Noll said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy. May you have many more. P.S., I love your Nip pawty ;)

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy. And thank you for inviting us to this pawsome party!

Mishkat said...

Happy Gotcha Day to the lovely Miss Ivy! We are so glad you found such nice humans to take care of you!

Sending you many purrs - and a big pile of virtual 'nip!

XXX from Franklin, Dobby, and (formerly feral) Tasha

Annie Bear said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy! I'm so glad you're indoors, safe and happy.

This is so interesting to me. I've always heard that you can't really have a feral cat indoors as a pet. Ivy definitely proves otherwise.

Thanks for the fun party!

Cara n Crew said...

Happiest of Happy Gotcha Days, Ivy! So happy you are formerly feral! :-)

Thanks for the visit to us and for the pawty invite - looks like fun! We brought some duck treats to share since Pip has allergies. ooh, the nip toys look fun...

-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

The Island Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy!! Aren't you glad you got gotted?? Life on the inside is so great!! And we love nip too so this is a great party!!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy! You're a lovely lucky girl.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy! We loves nip! So we are coming on over immediately!!

Cat said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy! We are so happy that you found a safe and loving home!

You throw a great party, thanks for inviting us :-)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy. So glad you are safe inside instead of living on your own as a feral.

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy gotcha day Ivy! What a lucky girl you are now.

Chesney Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy!! We're happy that you love being an indoor kitty now, sounds like you found some wonderful beans!

Thanks for stopping by for Fes's Gotcha Day & for inviting us to your party!

Ingrid said...

What a wonderful story with such a happy end !
Happy Gotcha Day Ivy and many more to come !

Sparkle said...

Happy gotcha day Ivy! Isn't it funny how some supposedly "feral" kitties wind up acting less feral than some cats who have been indoors their whole lives, like my roommate Boodie?

ZOOLATRY said...

IVY, we're so glad they gotcha... happy day everyday to you!

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry we missed your party, Ivy, but we wanted to wish you a furry happy Gotcha Day! You sure have found yourself a loving and wonderful home. :)

Kate said...

Formerly Feral is a great moniker!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Hope you had a happy Gotcha Day celebration!

Misty DawnS said...

Awwwwww! Gotcha Day is always such a special day! Happy Gotcha Day to you!!!

Anonymous said...

What a transformation to go from feral to domestic. Lovely pics!

Eds said...

Cats are so cute! We have one cat in the house and I love her so much! :)

Mine is here : Beauty of Nature

Cat with a Garden said...

Happy Gotcha day, Ivy!
You have a very special story indeed and we love to hear how much you like being inside with the humans. Great party, the nip is superb!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy! Being formerly feral is good.

Boom Nisanart said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ivy.
Miracle brought you to met your mom. And I am so happy with you to been look after with love and care. Please Thanks your mom for me. She has done a lots of wonderful things to you : )

Everyday Cat Visitor

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

oH, such a story of getting rescued and becoming such a good housekitty! Happy Gotcha Day!

Deborah said...

Happy Gotcha Day! Cute post! Nice to meet you and I'm going to look forward to following your blog!
Have a nice weekend!

catsynth said...

Happy Gotcha Day to Ivy!

We're glad she is happy and safe indoors in a loving home.

Hopefully there's a bit of the party left to go...

Kcalpesh said...

Absolutely cute and delightful!!

Pixellicious Photos

Webbthistle said...

What a wonderful Gotcha Day story!
Hope you are having a terrific celebration, Ivy, with your family and friends!

Judi said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy. That's a wonderful story. We'd love a nip martini.

The WCB roundup is up. Thanks for participating.


Nikita Cat said...

Gappy Dotcha Hay, Ivy!
from Daddy Kiril, Elvira Mistress of Pussydom, and I

The Creek Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy!!! So sorry we are late. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Ivy....looks like we missed a fab party!!!!!!!!!

We are so happy you found such a wonderful and loving forever home, Ivy. xxxxxxxxx

CCL Wendy said...

Ivy, I'm so sorry I missed your Gotcha Day, but so very glad that your Mom finally captured you five years ago!

What a great life you'd had since! You don't have to worry about catching your food anymore, or about being cold in the winter.

I hope your had a wonderful celebration for the amazing ladycat you are!



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