I am Al the ghost cat coming to haunt you on Halloween! Boo! Did I scare you?
Did you know that there really are ghosts cats? During the American Civil War, Tom Cat, mascot at Fort McAllister, Georgia, kept up the troops spirits by scampering along the ramparts, dodging cannon shot and musket balls. His luck ran out in March 1863 when a stray shot hit him. But to this day, staff and visitors claim to see Tom Cat's ghost running around the fort and feel an invisible cat rubbing against their legs!
(This story is from the book Cat Biz that Mom has on sale on her Wildcat Woods Vintage Treasures blog to raise money for caring for us!)
I don't know how you that with the picture ! but totally scrared me..It's your false if I have a night mare ! .....Blrrrr my fur stand up now !
Al! You kind of scared me!
Al you make an excellent ghost!
an extra furry one! ~halloween purrs~
Oooo....I'm scared! Oh, it's you. Thought I was seeing things. purrr....meow!
Oooh!! Adorable Al!! Me and Charlie are scared!! :-)
And what a fantastic spooky story!! Perfect for Halloween! Take care
Aaarrrgghh!!! Kenggy is scared of ghostly Al and is hopping away kangaroo style!
WOW! Wot an awesome tale. We'd like to be ghost cats too ~ but not for many years yet!
WOW I need to confess that I'm very scared here! hehehhe
lovely BOO! ;)
That is very interesting about ghost cats. I am sure it is true. Wonder if all our past brothers and sisters are lurking around here. Probably that is where the funny noises come from. Take care and have a great day.
We are sure there are ghost cats - mum often sees some of her "before cats" in the garden.
Ghosts and zombie cats! BOO! But the skairiest thing of all wuz the litter box cake. MOL
That is a cool story! My mom thinks that the Ones Who Came Before still live here as ghosts - she thinks that I see them! She also thinks that one of them is teaching me all of his bad tricks...
Your friend, Zoe
We love that ghost-y picture! And oh, it is strange you are talking about ghots cats because we were just talking about ghost animals last night and wondering if they existed (though our converstation started about ghost elephants, it did cover all animals for most of it). Now we know that there really are sightings of ghost animals!
Cool! I love the idea of ghost cats :)
Oh yes, we think your picture is very ghost like. We hope you are a friendly ghost cat.
You are a scary ghost cat!!
What a great ghostly picture. Don't know how you did it, but it's purrfect for Halloween.
Al, you look like a ghost! Mommy's Mom claims to have seen her kitty many times after she went to the bridge, just moseying around the house and yard, enjoying the "afterlife". Spooky!
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