Three more of our ladycats have been hatted by Judi, Sammy and Andy's mom. Doesn't Tabitha look stunning? She is a tomboy cat with lots of brothers. Nothing stops her from rough and tumble play. She is loving and affectionate too. and is the first one on the bed when Mom wakes up wanting to snuggle and make biscuits.
Senior ladycat Ivy is another rough tough cookie having lived most of her life outdoors. She has gotten to be very much a lap cat in her older years and loves to snuggle on Mom. She makes all sorts of funny noises because she has allergies and her breathing is noisy with snorts, gurgles and whistles. And then when she talks it sounds more like a crow than a cat!
And darling Minnie is a sweet girl, always up for a love. She likes to eat treats and will beg Mom for them all the time. If she hears the treat bag, she appears out of nowhere. She has such a fun personality and is always getting herself into mischief - stealing candy from the coffee table dish, getting stuck between the screen window and glass one, snuggling inside one of the dresser drawers.
Hope you enjoyed our lovely ladies today. we also want to invite you to take a copy of our holiday card below. Mom tried to get pictures of the cats with the Santa hat on and ended up with cute outtakes of Only and Two Spot playing with it. We will also be exchanging cards through the mail - wait until you see the shots Mom got for these! Add your address to our form in the sidebar if you want to join in.

Mom and Pop went to a Christmas tree farm yesterday and got a Frazer Fir tree and wreath. Have a great weekend everybody - we will be trimming our tree over the weekend! We can't wait!!!!
P.S. Our friends Hubblespacepaws just posted that sweet Murph (back in May we all helped find a home for Murph when we found out his bean Mom was dying) has gone to the Bridge. Please stop by.
These ladies are getting ready to look their best for Christmas? :)
Have a great weekend!
Awwww Gorgeous Tabitha, Ivy, and Minnie!!! Wow!!! They are adorable hatted by the ever so talented Sammy and Andy's mum!!! And what unique personalities too!! Thank you for sharing little bits of their fantastic characters here!! Yay!!!
Oh wow - your christmas card is fantastic - thank you!!! Bet the outtakes are such fun!!
Awww your weekend sounds truly magical! Take care
You ladycats looks gorgeous in those wonderful hats!
Have fun tree-trimming!
The gerls all look really beautiful in their hats! And we LOVE yoor card ~ we've snagged a copy for our blog.
Wow so lovely postcard!
Thanks so much for these lovely pictures and so beautiful hats!
Charming post always , great Friday to all!
You ladies look lovely in RED!!!
Mom's favorite color.
I hope you all have a good weekend and are able to help decorate the tree...or better still be a decorations. MOL
You ladies look lovely! Doesn't Judi do a wonderful job with the hats??? We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Came by to wish you a lovely weekend. Ladies, you do look beautiful!!!
SQUEE!!! the ladycats look lovely in their feminine finery!
Your card is gorgeous, we've posted it on our blog!
I get a Frazer Fir every year, they are just the best trees; picture perfect and they hardly drop any needles!
Oh look you have a Tabatha too and they look almost just alike. All the girls look terrific in their great hats. Sammy and Andy's mom does a super job. Hope you have a great week end and stay warm. It is cold here so I know it is cold up there where you are.
ALL of you ladies look stunning. Like models. I admire all three of you ladies. We girls that keep up appearances are magnets to the man cats. ♥
They are truly gorgeous pictures and they did you proud. Lovely.. The card is lovely too.. Hugs GJ xx
Very beautiful ladies. I love the pictures. Fantastic.
Thank you for all you do for the cats. I'm very impressed with your work.
Being hatted is fun! You girls look so very beautiful - Miss Judi is very sweet to do this for us, isn't she? We love your Christmas card, too! Have a great weekend!
You Tomboy LadyCats clean up just FINE! Gorgeous, all three of you.
You gals look absolutely devine!!!
We loved reading about Tabitha, Ivy and Minnie.
Thanks for the Christmas card!!!!! We have snagged it and will be posting it on our Christmas Card page.
We lovey'all bunches....and we purray you have a fantastic weekend.
Minnie, Ivy and Tabitha look simply mahvelous in their hats! It certainly seems to tame their rough edges. Isn't Judi such a doll for doing this.
By the way, Ivy's on the LOLSpot today.
The ladies look lovely in their hats!!
And we love your e-card! We got mom to make us one to share with everybuddy we'll post it soon. We gotta get her going on posting everybuddy else's cards too!
What great cats in hats! And I love the Christmas card.
We love you ladies in your very beautiful hats - we bet a lot of man cats are keeling over at the first glimpse of you looking so glamorous.
We love your Christmas card.
You are such beautiful southern ladies!
So sad to hear about sweet Murph.
Thanks for your sweet words
the last weeks/months
it means a lot to me
to have real friends in blogging world
Kareltje =^.^=
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