Hey it's me Tabitha helping Mom with the holiday cards and decorating. Well OK, sometimes I am just being silly playing with the pompoms on the Christmas stocking!
On a serious note....we have so much to be thankful for this holiday season. We are thankful for all our blogging friends, a warm safe place to live and that this year we are able to give to others. Last year our family had a really difficult time financially but we weathered thru it and now we can help others.
Please stop by and donate to Chrystal so they can build a bigger cat shelter for their homeless pet rescue organization and visit our "Flea Market" blog and buy a really spiffy vintage, gently used or new print or book (like the ones above) or jewelry, ornaments - all sales help feed and care for us and this month in the spirit of the season, Mom is donating 20% of our intake to Chrystal.
You can help out yet another way - We just found out that Chrystal is having a commentathon on her blog this weekend sponsored by another friend who will be donating 50 cents for each comment to Chrystal. Please stop by Daily Dose of Dogs from Friday thru Sunday!

We have gotten some really cool Christmas cards from our cat buddies - the Creek Cats and Four Crazy Cats.....
and Ginger Jasper (his card got all wet in the mailbox and Mom had to dry it out), Marge's Pets and Attie Cattie. We will post more when we get them.
We are also thankful Woody is making himself right at home in the house and getting along with all the cats - more or less. Doesn't he look relaxed in the sun puddle?

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton
We are glad yoo survived yoor hard times ~ that's a lot to be thankful for.
We will most certainly continue to support Crystal ~ she is awesome.
What a wonderful, thank-full post!
Things can always be worse, so it's good to practice gratitude on a daily basis and remember all of the blessings, not focus on what we lack.
That is a very nice post, there's always so much to be thankful for! Hooray for the Commentathon too, always fun!
Awww sweet Tabitha!! You are doing a great job helping mum out with the decorating!!! And great to read that Woody is doing fabulous too!!
Awww and what great cards from such gorgeous kitty bloggie friends!! Awwwww!!
Yay for the Chrystal and her commentathon!
Take care
We'll certainly go by the Daily Dose of Dogs on Friday and leave comments to support Crystal.
We weren't blogging last year so didn't now about your hard times - we are so pleased you are now back on your feet (and paws).
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We love y'all and are so very thankful for your friendship.
We will check out the Commentathon for Crystal. We are also very thankful for her and what she does for the homeless.
Yous guys really has an attitude of gratitude! Mes will try to do the same.
Thank yous!!!
Love Penelope
What lovely cards you've received! We're glad you all are safe and warm and happy - you all sure do have a super family! We hope the storms are not too rough on you - the weather everywhere but here looks really nasty.
Tabitha, isn't it fun to play with the decorations?
It's so great that all of you are pawing it forward, so to speak. We'll visit Chrystal for the commentathon this weekend. Purrs-
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
You are so sweet and precious and I think there is so much to be thankful for, me and mommy gives thanks every day. Even for each other and our kitty furriends.
Woody looks like he is really settling in! Chrystal has done so much good - it is wonderful to see how much support she has!
Hi Cheri we received your christmas card in the mail yesterday, it made us smile thank you :-)
Tabitha you look adorable playing with the pom poms!!!
Sure glad to see Woody so happy. We will sure go over and leave comments at Chrystals tomorrow and Saturday. We are so thankful for our blogger friends and Mom went to the oncologist today and got a good report. That is so exciting for us. We thank you for being our friends. Hope you are staying warm. Did you get ice or snow?? We missed the ice, thank heavens.
Beautifully written and at this time of the year it is really special to appreciate all the things we are grateful for.
We are also trying to help promote Chrystal's comment-a-thon. WE are happy to see you are as well. We hope she gets LOTS and LOTS of comments to help in her wish to build onto her animal rescue.
We think it's so important to take stock and give thanks.
And appreciate the little moments!
I'm glad that things are looking up for you! Very nice post.
Nubbin wiggles,
Those a great things to be thankful for...we're glad things are better for you now...and we're thankful for your furiendship too!
You're right. There are so many things to be thankful for. We're glad that things are going well for you but sorry about the hard times.
Tabitha sure is a helpful girl. Glad to see Woody so content. :)
I love your blog. This is a wonderful post that just makes me feel warm and fuzzy (kind of like a well loved cat!!). Thank you so much for all you do for the cats.
Merry Christmas from all the people and cats of Alley Cats and Angels.
We are always glad to see kitties hard a work. Tabitha we hope you and your sibilings and Mom and Dad are warm.
Hugs Madi and Mom
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