We missed them. This week the weather warmed up enough to let them out. We were so excited and ran from window to window telling Mom!
We love to watch them play across the street in the pasture.
Hey Mom...the goats are back!
We also had another visitor - an opossum. Mom came out to feed us the other night and the little guy was sitting next to the door feeding on seeds from the bird feeder. He looked as startled as Mom. She didn't have her camera or we would have picts of him. We may have to keep him away as she also found a small hole in the corner of the gravel floor in the screen room. Norm was over there messing with it and Mom checked it out. One of us could have gotten out but none of us did. Mom filled the hole in with rocks inside and out. Maybe the possum was trying to come in where it was warm and there was food.

One more wildlife adventure this week.... Pop heard a loud drumming noise and saw pieces of wood chips raining down from the old maple tree in front. He looked up and there was the Woody Woodpecker of woodpeckers - the pileated! They are big and so funny looking with a red crest on their head. He was busy looking for food in the dead branches of the tree. He kept us occupied (and the beans too) for quite a while. They were almost extinct but are making a comeback in some areas.

Ivy watched from the bathroom window for a long while drooling over this BIGGGGG bird she couldn't have!
And that's our wildlife show for today! Happy Caturday! For more animal posts from all over check out Camera Critters. And be sure to visit Pet Pride too.