Mom has gotten quite attached to a cat she sees on her way to town and back. He is a cow cat - white with black markings. He looks just like Big Guy, (in the photo above) one of our ferals that went to the bridge several years ago. This cat sits on the front porch of a little farmhouse and obviously is an outdoor cat. An older gentleman lives there and they seem to have a warm bond. She looks for the cat whenever she goes by and he makes her smile.
In summer the cat follows the man around while he does yard work, sitting quietly next to him. There are chairs on the porch and the man put cushions on the chairs for the cat to sit on year round. In winter the man makes a box with blankets and puts it on the porch for shelter from the weather. This winter he made a very elaborate box, set it up high on a table and fixed a heat lamp to keep the cat warm. Mom drove by while he was building it and the cat was, as usual, sitting next to him on the porch supervising.
The cat has a buddy cat - a long haired black and white cat. They hang out together and sit on the porch waiting for the food dish to be filled. He lives in another house nearby but comes to visit often.
The other day when Mom drove by she noticed the buddy cat there alone. He was sniffing all over the porch chairs and stuff. She wondered where the cow cat was. Yesterday when she drove by, the man had taken down the box, the food dishes and all the cushions off the porch chairs. She was very sad cuz it means something happened to the cow cat.
She would like to send a note to the man even though she doesn't know him but does have an address. Do you think it would be weird if she did? It might make him feel better knowing someone else will miss his cat too. What do you think?
Thanks for listening and for any ideas! May this sweet cat fly free at the Bridge until his bean comes to meet him.