Mom is still still not feeling up to par but is using this week to tidy up and catch up. She got this award a bit back but hadn't got to posting it yet. It is from Old Kitty of
Ten Lives and Second Chances. I guess she is supposed to tell seven things about herself. Here goes....
#1. Mom never had any kitties in her life until she was 36 (when she found our Chica) and living in Florida. Her mom was very allergic and they could never have cats in the house when she was growing up.
#2. Mom has always loved animals and made money as a kid pet sitting rather than baby sitting!
#3. Mom can't travel much now with all of us to care for but she loves to travel and has been to 30 states and Canada, Germany, France, Greece, Barbados, Bahamas, and Luxembourg.
#4. One of her favorite jobs was when she worked for an aquarium in CT - getting to see all the seals, beluga whales, dolphins and sea lions everyday was fun!
#5. She loves quirky movies, musical or otherwise - the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Little Shop of Horrors are two of her favs.
#6. She has more books in the house than anything else - we could fill a small library.
#7. She has never had to be in a hospital for any length of stay.
We would like to pass this award on to these seven new cat bloggers so we can get to know them a little better -
Tales of Tigger and the Teach,
Cokie the Cat,
Hannah and Lucy ,
Ballicus Blog,
the Meow cats (they count as two),
Puss in Boats.
To meet other cat bloggers visit
Cats on Tuesday! See you all on Wed for the big party!!!!