Photo Hunt this week is fresh.
This photo is not for family viewing! Tabby Joey is being a little fresh wrestling with sister Minnie and showing a bit too much of himself!
For more fresh takes on this week's theme check out Photo Hunt!
Mom's first file is the one she has all her old photos from years ago that she has scanned on to a CD and put on the computer!
Obviously this is not a cat photo - this is Mom back when she worked in PR for the Mystic Marinelife Aquarium in Connecticut. With her is pal beluga whale Alex - in order to get Alex to be part of this promotion photo she had to feed him fish from the bucket and rub his gums! All the while trying to stay out of the pool, balancing on heels and holding her skirt closed! This was one of the usable shots - some others were pretty funny and not appropriate for family viewing!
So many of you have gotten this tag - please feel free to do it if you have not already! I know this is cheating but.......