Visitors have asked Mom how she knows who is who with the nine white she will tell you how she can tell us apart!
This is Norm, who looks very much like Georgie, his sister and littermate - except he is larger with more jowls. Norm is very reclusive and quiet - the least tame of the guys.

Sam is Norm's littermate and Mom had the vet take the tip off his left ear when he was neutered so she could tell him and Norm apart. Sam is very quiet and tends to stay by himself unless he joins his brothers to eat from the dry food bowl.

Two Spot is Only's littermate and is smaller than the other boys with a narrow triangular face. He is very happy-go-lucky and is always playing and having fun.

Snowball lives up to his name - very large and round, with jowls. He is sweet and loving and is the head mancat - always sparing with Al!

Al is the only long haired cat with blue eyes and deaf. He is pretty easy to handle and loves attention from us. Sorry about the snoot on his nose - he gets black dirt than Mom has to clean off his nose.

Only is Two Spot's littermate and has big soulful eyes and just loves Mom. He does a little dance for Mom whenever he sees her, wiggling all over. He is much more nervous than Two Spot and will hide if anything is amiss in the shelter.

We have two girl cats - this is Smidge who always looks like a deer in the headlights. She is tiny and is Two Spot and Only's littermate. She loves to eat and be petted. She has gotten much better in the past year - she used to run and hide if anyone came near.
This is Georgie, Norm's littermate and almost twin. She is just a bit smaller boned and Mom does have trouble telling them apart. Georgie's very cuddly and sweet and loves attention - Norm does not. So that is the best way to tell who is who.

And this is Lily - the mom of all these cats. She is very sweet, loving and wants attention. She will run over to Mom to get some scritches! She has a round body with a more narrow face. She is very friendly and will be the first to greet Mom and Pop when they come inside.

We hope this helps explain how Mom tells them all apart and gives a little bit more info about everybody too. For more Cats on Tuesday visit