Snowball here. It's time to focus on us white
mancats this week...enough of the senior kitties! I am the head
mancat (Al thinks he is but I know who is).

This is Two Spot, the hyper one of us. He zips around, zip, zip. Never stops!

Norm is the manly silent type...always there but very quiet and dignified!

Only is our special boy - he is very shy and loves his Mom. Whenever things get a little too busy here, he hides in the cabinet. You can here the bang, bang, bang of the door when he tries to get inside! ....well, Al. He is pretty laid back these days, for him that is. We are going try one of those Calming Collars on him. Hope he lets the beans put it on him. We will keep you posted if it many folks have said it was great. Keep your fingers (or paws) crossed!

And lastly of us white
mancats is
Sam..he is another quiet one.
If you bother him
in his hidy place he will hiss and growl but don't mind that. He is a
sweety..just likes to be alone!

That is it for today. Mom and Pop have been busy replacing all the screens on our porch this past week. Mr. Bear torn a few of them last year trying to get in! Mom will try to catch up on her visiting...she is getting
WAYYYYYY behind! Sorry about that. We cats take a lot of time to take care of!