This lovely cow cat is Beatrice and she is at the Asheville Humane Society. Uunfortunately it is not a no kill shelter but all the more reason to help find homes for the loving cats and dogs that are confined here.
Beatrice is about 4 years old, a large girl and sadly has been declawed. She could really use a forever home so let's send her purrs, prayers and lots of vibes that the right person finds her.
For more info on adoptable pets please go to
Asheville Humane Society.

Au and Target from
Katz Tales gave us this fun award. It comes with three rules....
Rule #1 - Thank the person who gave it to you.Big thanks to Au and Target.
Rule #2. - Share 9 things about yourself.We will share 9 secrets of us cats......
1. Lots of folks wonder about our name Wildcat Woods. Well, Mom's friend Emily is an artist and wanted to know what we were going to call our new home which sits at the edge of 8 wooded acres. Emily called her abode Hobbit Hill and created a lovely sign that sits beside her long driveway. Since we are all feral and wild (not really) Mom decided on Wildcat Woods. Hopefully Emily will paint us a really cool sign with the name on it one day!
2. Joey, our mancat tabby in the house, gives love nips, especially to Mom. He once bit her nose when she was holding him in her arms. She has to be careful if he gets that look in his eye...a nip is coming.
3. Sweetpea falls alspeep in the weirdest place and then falls off! One time when we had company, she was asleep on the shelf by the door. We were telling our friends about how she falls off things and the next thing we hear is a thump and there she is on the floor. Most times she does land on her feet even asleep! Everybody laughed - she didn't like that.

4. Mamacita thinks her name is "Lookout" That's cuz she always runs in front of Mom when she is putting food down or getting ready to feed us and Mom has to keep saying "lookout" or she will step on Mamacita!

5. Al, our deaf cat, loves to use his paw to push small things off the table, shelf or counter and watch them fall to the ground. He doesn't hear the crash things make when they break. All the other cats run away from the noise. Mom stopped putting breakables out - Al doesn't mind - it's the falling he likes!
6. Georgie is really the most perfectly proportioned cat we have. Mom thinks she is the most beautiful. The shape of her head, eyes and everything is just right. Isn't she lovely?

7. Chica plays catch with the cage balls - when Mom throws one to her, she stands up on her hind legs and catches the ball with her two front paws. Even now at 19, she still plays.

8. At feeding time, Snowball and his three brothers - Norm, Sam and Woody - gather around the dry food bowl and eat. Pop uses this time to love them up and they get so excited. He is petting everyone and they are all rubbing up against each other and him all the while munching down on dry food. Feeding frenzy for sure! (We need to video this one time!)

9. Mom thought Smidge was a boy - even up till she was neutered. She is Only and Two Spot's litter mate and acted tough and bossy and rough like them. Even tho she has a sister Tabitha, Smidge played rough with the boys. Mom was sure surprised when they told her he was a she!

10. Sam is the only one of the cats that had his ear tipped when he was neutered (what they do to ferals in colonies so they know they got TNR'd). Mom had the vet do it cuz she couldn't tell him apart from Norm. Now we know who Sam is by his ear.
Rule #3 - give this award to 9 other bloggers.We hope you enjoyed this tell all and would like to invite anyone else to take this award and join in. So many of you already have it.
Please keep June 24 open - our Chica is 19 this year and we are having a huge celebration for her that day plus a give-away too. Come on by!