Clubber was featured in early June and is still up for adoption. He is a big senior cat, all black and has 6 toes, thus the name. He would be the perfect companion for a quiet, calm household. For more info on how to adopt him or to see more cats needing forever homes..visit Animal Compassion Network in Asheville, NC.

This lovely cat is Shadow, a 1 year old Maine Coon mix neutered male from the Avery County Humane Shelter in Newland, NC. He has been adopted but keeps coming back to the shelter due to the owners moving etc.

Big Boy, is another older cat and a big guy. He needs a home and lots of action. He had a home but his owners fell on hard times and had to give him up. Click on Catman2, the no-kill shelter in Cullowhee, NC he lives in, to see more of Big Boy and the other cats available for adoption.

Bella is an all black large female who is also about 3 years old. Given that black cats do not get adopted as readily as other colors we hope Bella finds a forever home soon. She is at the Asheville Humane Society in NC.
Tina is very people friendly, two years old and has been here at the Watauga Humane Shelter since December 2008.

This beautiful sweet guy was adopted from the shelter as a kitten and just recently ended up in a shelter in Charleston, SC. Peace is an amazing cat and would fit into any family. He is 2 years old and long haired. More info on adopting Tina and Peace can be found online at the Watauga Humane Society.
Since Mom started Forever Friday, three cats out of nine have been adopted - let's get these guys forever homes! Pass the word on and link to this post!
Thanks for all your get well wishes for Mom - she is hanging in there and going to a specialist in another week. She is still trying to catch up on her visiting!