Today November 14 we will be joining the Worldwide Moment to send loving thoughts and positive energy to our furred and feathered friends here and waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. Our animal companions give us so much - love, friendship, laughter are a few of the benefits we get from them. To find out more about this great idea and to join go to the blog of the
Two Wires.
We have lost so many dear animals over the years - Bob and Leroy were sweet feral cats who disappeared suddenly when they were about 6 months old. We never found any clue as to what happened. Mom tried to help a couple of other ferals but they had health problems that were too serious and we lost them. Others lived out their lives outdoors and finally died of old age or some unknown disease with Mom there with them to help them pass.
Ferals Big Guy and Nick have gone to the Bridge. |
Mom had a sweet little dog named Bunny when she was a teenager. They were inseparable. She always loved animals and made friends with all the neighborhood dogs and cats. Losing them was like losing her own. When she had a pet sitting business, she got to know donkeys, horses and even a pot bellied pig.
The pig, Rudy, passed while the owners were away and Mom was there with him sending Reiki light to help him find his way to the Bridge.
Rudy chowing down. |
Our dear Clarence was a stray who wandered into our yard and charmed us all. We only had him for 18 months when he died of cancer complications. No matter how long or short their stay with us is, they capture our heart and take a piece of it with them when they go.
Charming Clarence. |
Many animal friends have gone to the Bridge this year and we will send lots of healing light to their families left behind and to the ones still here who are ill. We will be thinking of all those homeless animals on the streets or in shelters that they find a safe place to live out their lives.
Our time for the Worldwide Moment is 6PM - let's all simultaneously join together to send our light and love to all animals everywhere. Namaste.