Wow, I am 20! That is pretty amazing and my little sister Yoko turned 18 earlier this year! Mom is having a special party for me, with prizes to win and lots of goodies to eat. Our friend Judi of Sammy, Andy and Shelly made this special badge to celebrate my birthday. Thank you so much. (Mom realized that last year we celebrated my birthday on the 24th! We don't know the real date so it doesn't matter I guess.)
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Me getting ready for the party! |
I had a little set back a few weeks back with my Chronic Renal Failure but am getting subcutaneous fluids every ten days and am doing much better. I don't like it tho and Mom takes me to the vet to let her do it. I yell and squirm and make a big fuss - after all I am a tortie! I am hoping I will be around for a long time to come.
I am going to share some inside scoops about yours truly....I am Mom's first cat and her first and only tortie.We don't have any kitten pictures of me cuz she found me when I was about six months old outside a shopping mall whapping the glass with my paws trying to get inside. If you can guess what state we lived in then, there is a nip cigar in it for the first one to guess correctly!
I love people and will come out from wherever I am to see who is visiting. I go right up to them to check them out. Another thing I love is Christmas. I love to play in the wrapping paper and hide my toys to try and find them under the paper.
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Mom thinks this is my first Christmas. |
I love to play. My favorite toys have always been boxes, bitty balls, nip toys and any kind of mice. I can catch bitty balls when Mom tosses them in the air. There is a hidden mouse toy in one of my pics today - the first one to find it will win a set of sheep skin nip mouse toys.
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Sheep skin nip mouse prize. |
When I first came to live with Mom and Pop I did not like to be petted, picked up or sit in a lap. If they tried to pet me, I would run away into another room. I just preferred to sit near them in the same room. As I got older I warmed up to them and now I love all the attention I get and sit on Mom's lap whenever I can.
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I think I was a pretty young girl then. |
I am what they call a black tortie cuz I have reds (or orange) and blacks, but no white in the traditional tortie coloring. What is my coat pattern called? You win a Play and Squeak toy if you guess right first!
As much as I love people, I really don't care for other cats. I tormented my little sister Yoko when we were young. Here is a rare moment when I was grooming her. In my later years I am getting a bit more accepting of other cats - good thing cuz we got lots!
One more chance to win and then on to the party! This jar is filled with my favorite Temptations treats. If you are the first one to guess how many treats are in this jar, you win 3 bags of Natural Temptations treats in different flavors. (For the math whizzes out there the jar is 3" by 2 1/2" and 2 3/4" high.)
And now for the party...we have cake, shrimp, ham, tuna and lots of fun toys and games to play! Have fun and stay as long as you want. Mom will choose one of our commenters as the winner using random.org and she will donate $20. to a shelter or rescue group of the winner's choice in honor of me and my 20th birthday! We will announce the winners this weekend. Thank you so much for coming and making this a very special day for me.
Hooray I'm the first of the pawty and Happy 20th Brithday Dear Chica! !! Your pawty is awesome !!! and I can pick food and all toys the first...heh..heh
Happy Birthday, Miss Chica. We sees da mousie in you belly picture?
Tanks fow da inbite to you pawty, we hopes you cut da cake soon cuz it looks weal yummy, did you Mom maked it?
Oh Chica this is such a fabulous thing and we are so proud to be able to wish you a very VERY happy 20th birthday!
Youbare remarkable!
Happy TWENTIETH Birthday, Chica! Gosh we hope we live as long as you...you just keep getting your fluids and hissing at the VET, it must be keeping you young.
We saw a schmousie in the photo where your showing off your tummy, and we guess 152 treats!
Enjoy your day, we're gonna have a little ham to start...
Oh Chica Happy Birthday!!!! We think a kitty reaching 20 years old is a momentous occasion!!! We are thrilled to know you and to celebrate with you. Your party looks great :-) We hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of love...and nip too
Hey Chica congratulations - I'm sure it's not easy for a cat to reach 20. That is also a testamony to the goodness of your 'beans! Enjoy your year!!!!
For those reading this, check out my cat blog for some interesting stories about the cat colony I manage.
Debby in Arizona
Happy, Happy Birthday, sweet Chica! Your 20th, Wow! Now that is something to really party about. Hugs and nose kisses
Wow, Chica! We love seeing a beautiful tortie on her 20th birthday! Happy, happy birthday, pretty girl!
We don't know what state you lived in, but we'll take a wild guess and say Texas. We are also going to guess 62 treats.
Great party! We are looking forward to your 21st birthday!
Oh wowie, 20, dat is great. HAPPY PURRTHDAY!
Happy 20th birthday Chica from one Tortie to the next. 20 is furry impressive age.
As a piebald type tortie I would hope to know tortie colors names. I think you are called a Black Tortie
What a fabulous party, Chica! And what a milestone! You don't look your age either. I am not going to make any guesses because my birthday's on Friday and I'm also giving some things away! Plus my human says I "have more than enough stuff!" (she is lying, of course)
Happy Birthday, Chica, from the gang at 3 Kats and a Kwilter!
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in IL
Happy, Happy Birthday 20th Chica and you are looking good. You are a very pretty girl and are sure you must have had many mancat admirers over the years. We are delighted to have been invited to your party and hope you have a wonderful day.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Happy Birthday sweet Chica! Wot a very special day ~ because as yoo say, it's not every day a cat turns 20! Yoo are still a very beautiful cat! We are sending yoo tons of love and purrs for good health.
We are going to take a wild guess at the Temptations in the jar: 75
If we win, we will donate our prize to Crytal's ferals ~ 'cos we are very lucky boys already.
Happy birthday, Chica! You're a grand old girl! :-)
What a fabulous party and give-away! We'll let those who don't have a postal strike participate in your contests -- lol.
Big smooches from our mom and kitty kisses from us!
Here is me and Charlie's special song for you!:
Happy Birthday Chica!
You are feisty as paprika!
You are lovely and so gorgeous!
Happy Birthday Chica!
Hip hip hooray!!!!!!
Happy Birthday beautiful and ever so feisty Chica! TWENTY years young today!!! Me and Charlie are so so so so thrilled for you!! Woo-hooo!!!!!! Have a special and wonderful day! We would like to think that you have trillion treats in your treat jar!!! Yay!
Take care
Oh my is it your 20th birthday ??!!
That´s as many years my mom and dad have been together :)
Wish you a PURRfect BIRTHDAY !!!
Happy Birthday Chica. We sure hope you have a super day and many more that is for sure. Your party looks so yummy.
We think you were in Florida when you were trying to get in that store.
We think there are 50 snacks in that jar.
We sure hope you have a wonderful day today and we are going to go dig in the yummy foods.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you beautiful Chica!!!
Happy Birthday Chica! My feline brother Sweet Pea is also 20! Sending you lots of good wishes for 20 more years!
Your pal, Pip
Happy Birthday Chica and may you have many happy, healthy years to come.
Great party here!
Happy 20th Birthday Chica. We really likes your tuna flavored cake, thanks for inviting us to your party we are having a terrific time.
We thinks you has a brindled coat.
Happy birthday, dear Chica! We are so excited to be here to help you celebrate your special day. We brought you some shrimp and nip from Connecticut. We hope you like them.
What a wonderful thing it is that you and your mom found each other at the shopping mall, and that you are in such a loving forever home. :)
Here are our answers/guesses:
1. State you were in: Connecticut
2. Mouse toy is in the shot of you showing your belly
3. tortoiseshell
4. 73
Okay, now that tuna-flavored cake is calling our names... :)
Have a great birthday and year, beautiful Chica!
HAPPY PURRDAY CHICA~!!! The mousie is in the last picture and we think you lived in Texas (1st question).. And we guess 175 treats. We are so thrilled to be able to come by and spend the day pawtying with you all. We had ost our old blog (Google deleted out acct), but this is our new one. Hope you can come by!!!
Sniffs & Wiffs~
King, Pandora, Cricket, and woofie, Lucky
What a funtastic party!!!!!!!! Your mama has done you proud, Chica!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, darlin' girl.
We wanna say California, but our mama is very seldom correct...but we luvs her bunches anyway.
Have a most fantastic day, beautiful Chica....we love you and everyone at your house.
Holy Schmoly, Chica, you is 20?! GO YOU!!! this must mean your mommeh has take'd extra special cares of you and you is a verreh happeh kitteh. hmm, i sees teh mousie in your tummeh piksher! and Audrey guesses 90 treats in teh jar. now on to teh pawty, we will starts wif some of that toona cake if you does not mind. concatulations on this momentous occasion, dear!
Happy 20th Birthday! We found the mousie but we see that Katnip Lounge already found it! We don't know what state you lived in (Mom says we live in the state of confusion!!) so we'll guess 82 treats in the jar!!
Now we're going to enjoy the party. The noms are yummy!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Happy Birthday, Chica! 20 is certainly something to celebrate. It looks like a great party. Enjoy your special day.
Great party Chica!! Happy Birthday to you...here's to many more.
We see a toy mouse in the photo of you on your back, showing your belly.
We will guess New Mexico for the state you found Chica in.
Is your coat pattern called brindled?
Our guess on the treats is 215.
Love all the great food...happy birthday again!
~Four Crazy Cats
Happy, happy purrthday Chica! What a wonderful thing to turn 20! I am so acited to be here to celebrate wif you! The food looks wonderful -- I can't wait to dig in. I guess there are 90 treat in the jar, and that you lived in Oregon.
Enjoy your special day!
Happy Birthday Chica. What a great party! Most of your questions have been answered but we will give our answers anyway.
1. You were rescued in Florida.
2. The mousie is in your tummy picture.
3. We think you are a brindle tortoiseshell.
4. We will guess 97 treats.
We have to admit we cheated on the first answer because we looked at your mum's first post in her other blog's archives.
After all that work we are going to have some of your delicious food and play with your toys. Have a great day!
Wowzeer! 20 years is a wonderful lifetime Chica! We are on our way over to sample efurryting and to have tons of fun with you!
Luf, Us
Happy Birthday Chica! What a wonderful party you're having.
We're happy you are doing better with your chronic renal failure. Take those sub Q fluids they really help a lot!!
Have a wonderful day!!!!
Happy Birthday, Chica!
We love torties and are glad to hear you're doing well!
We'll be over for some goodies later.
Take care and have a wonderful day!
Toby and Cupcake
Happy Birthday sweet girl. The party is brilliant, sorry I am late but I am here now. 20 is a great age and here is to many more sweet years.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy Happy 20th Birthday, Chica! All we can say is WOW, you certainly don't look like you're 20, you look so young and beautiful! And what a pawsome party you are having to celebrate such a pawsome event!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee Ess ... we guess 85 Temptations in the jar, hee hee!
Chica what a wonderful party you had. Happy 20th b-day to you. Mom and I enjoyed reading all about you. It was your luckdy day the day Mom found you. However, we are sure she feels like the lucky one!! Hugs Madi and Mom
Happy Birthday beyootiful Chica! We are now following your blog! We hopes you have a most pawsome day.
happy, happy purrthday, chica--you don't look a day ofur 12!!! we hopes you has many more in health an' happiness!
this is quite a spread you haf laid out for us guests--thank you furry much. we hope you enjoy the gift-wrapped voles we left in yer pantry. (an' we hope yer mom don't open them on acksident.)
Yay! Chica! Hope your Birthday is a happy one. We are so glad you've been doing well and putting up a fuss! You wouldn't be a tortie without it.
Love to you and all the Cats of Wildcat Woods from Cat of Nine Tales!
~Lisa Co9T
What a special girl you are! Happy, happy birthday to you, sweet Chica. Guess what? Next year it will be legal for you to drink!
I will guess 47 treats!
Happy birthday, Chica! And many more! Great party!
Happy Happy 20th purrfday beautiful girl!!! WOWIE what a great party!
Happy Birthday, Chica!! We hope you are having a wonderful day!! This party is a lot of fun!!
Happy 20 th Birthday Chica!! What a pretty kitty you are too :)
We hope you have a wonderful year and many more :)
We guess 57 treats ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Happy Birthday, sweetheart! 20 years old! And so brave the way you have to take that awful treatment - but we do hope you are around for a bunch more years too! You have a great birthday party going. We wish we could win all the prizes, then gives them all to you and all your family to play with! We sure are glad you found us. We are so happy to meet you and get to celebrate your Birthday with you! Our Mumsy does not know the exact birthday for most of us, so that's all just fine too :-) We look forward to visit with you more in the future.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, sweet Chica!!! :-D
Happy birthday, Chica, and thank you for inviting me to your fun fun party! You must be a wise, wise Cat, and I must say you look wonderful for ANY age!
Here are my guesses for 2 of your questions:
I guess that you lived in Tennessee when you were little.
I guess that there are 87 treats in that treat jar. I made my AAB do the math, so if she gets it wrong, she's Fired.
I hope you had a fabulous birthday!
Happy birthday, sweet Chica! This is a great pawty! Sorry we late but Mom hadda werks. I hope you have had a fabulous day and dat there will be many, many happy returns! Love you!
Happy 20th Birthday, Chica! Aren't you a precious little girl... Love the way you've relaxed and enjoyed your home after your time on the street. You were right to try and break into that mall!
Chica!!! Happy 20th birthday, Friend!! Wow, you really do look amazing. Our mom has never had the pleasure of having a cat of your age. You are truly special. And you have quite a party going on, too! We are so very happy to be here to celebrate with you!!
Love, Fuzzy and Zoe
Happy 20th birthday, Chica! That's a grand age! Have a great day and now let's get on with the party!
Happy Birthday Chica!
Yous is a beautiful catAnd yous has a great pawty!
Me sees lots of other cats and yous has great toys!
....▌♥ ღ Nellie
.../ \ ღ ♥´´¯`•.¸¸.☆¸.♥´´¯`•.¸¸
20 years old!! Happy Happy birthday sweet Chica!! You look marvellous!! I hope you had a terrific day and I hope you didn't eat all that food! haha! That cake looks deelish!
xo Catherine & Banjo
HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY CHICA!!!!!!!!!!! 20!!!!! That is incredible!!!
I know how special you have to be to your Mommy, my Bobo lived til age 18 and I also found him when he was 6 mos old like when your Mommy found you!!
I hope you have a zillion more birthdays!!! ((((((hugs)))))
Wow- 20 years old! You certainly do deserve the best party eFUR!
Happy 20th Birthday Chica! You have a pawesome party filled with lots of goodies! You are very beautiful and we hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy 20th, Chica! You look MAH-VELLOUS! I'm a little late for the pawty but I'd love a nibble of toona and a little head bonk and nosetap (even though you don't like other kitties too much!)
Concatulations! What a day :-)
Happy Birthday Dear Chica! And many more...I'z got my jazz paws goin' for ya Young Lady! Your Birthday deserves the moonwalk, samba and macarena so I will perform each for you! Hope your day was fabulous! It was a great party!
Happy 20th Birthday Chica and many, many mooooore!!! Your mom knows how to throw a great Party!!
((((((HUGGGGSSSS)))))) from your TX furiends,
We are (naturally) late to the party, but we still come with GREAT BIG LOVIN' PURRS for a wonderful and amazing birthday!
Happy Birthday!! That is so cool.
Happy 20th Birthday to Chica! What a milestone, my dear! And what a fantastic party your folks are putting on for you.
Dante, Domino and Dylan are there and brought a case of tuna for everyone to share.
You certainly are one of a kind, and we wish for you that you keep on being healthy and happy for many years to come.
Partay on girl! You show 'em what you're made of! Congratulations.
Sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it was wonderful you sweet, dear cat. Many more. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
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