The lovely Miss Kitty from A Cat's Golden Years has passed this award on to us. If you have not visited her very classy blog, please do.
With this award we are supposed to reveal seven things about us cats....so here goes.
1. Ivy makes all sorts of noises - chirps, gurgles and does not meow like most cats. Her meow sounds just like a ducky quacking! Someday we will tape her doing this!
2. Woody drinks from the water bowl by standing with his two front feet in it, no matter how deep the water is and licking the water off his paws. Mom has to put an old cake pan under the bowl to catch the water. When he leaves, there is a trail of water prints through the house!
3.Snowball's closest brothers, Norm and Sam follow his every move. When Snowball gets up to go eat from the food bowl, they all go with him and it is an orgy of eating, rubbing against each other and purring. Pop gets in on the act and pets everybody - sometimes this is the only time you can get your hands on them. They are the most wild of the cats.
4. Tabitha is a lovely tabby and the paws of both back and front feet are totally black on the under side.She looks like she has very elegant gloves on!
5. If Al our deaf cat, doesn't like the flavor of his wet food or is done and there is still some left on the plate, he will try to bury it by scratching around the plate with his paws, covering it with the towel or blanket under it. Mom gets mad cuz then there is cat food on the towel and lint in the food.
6. When Darby uses the litter box, she will spend what seems like forever scratching, scratching, scratching and rearranging the litter to cover her dooties until Pop yells at her to stop! It drive him nuts, especially at night when he is asleep.
7. If Mom is watching TV or resting, or reading, Yoko will lay on her, stretched out from chest to legs with one paw next to her neck and her face right under her chin, purring and drooling all over. Mom calls this her "fur tie" position.
Hope you enjoyed our revealing tidbits. We are supposed to give this award to seven other bloggers. Since most of you already have this, we would like to pass this on to three new bloggers - so we can learn more about them. They are
Four Paws and Some String,
The Krafte Kat Shack about crafting and cats
and Us 4 Cats
Pleas do stop by and say hi!