
Friday, April 29, 2011

Weekend of Remembrance

This year has been one of loss.  So many of the icons of Cat Blogosphere have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  Mother Earth has shaken us all up with catastrophic earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires and tornadoes which caused even more losses worldwide, of humans and animals.  We are joining in on a Weekend of Remembrance with Three Tabby Cats in Vienna  and Momo at Floof and Fur.

For those in harm's way by Zoolatry.

We would like to remember some of the cats who have come before in our home...Clarence was a stray who wandered into our yard and hearts, skinny, hungry and matted.  He only was with us for 18 months when he passed of cardiomyopathy in 2004 but he took a large part of our hearts with him.

Clarence in better days.

Nick lived outside for most of his short life, a sweet but shy boy.  When he lost weight, we brought him inside only to discover he had an intestinal tumor which took his life at age 6 in 2006.  He loved being loved and cuddled right to the end.

Nick on the left with Big Guy.

Dear Manny left us very suddenly in 2007 when he was only two of a blocked urethra.  Such sweet memories of him - he loved to play with the laser toy and that was the only time he ever growled  - he was very possessive of  his favorite toy.  He loved to eat and was so excited he would run in circles instead of eating when  Mom put the food plate down.


Mom lost many of the ferals who never came inside but lived in our outdoor shelter in the yard - Big Guy our calm peace keeping head male cowcat, sweet Momcat who probably was the mother to most of them until her spaying in her later years, and last but not least, little black Bob and Leroy who both disappeared suddenly at age 6 months.

We love them and miss them still but know we will see them again one day.  Here is a lovely poem in memory of all the wonderful animals who have passed from our lives and yours.  Thank you for sharing a short time with us on Earth.

I Will Always Remember

I will always remember
the olive-eyed tabby who
taught me that not all
relationships are meant to
last a lifetime.  Sometimes
just an hour is enough to
touch your heart.

Barbara L. Diamond

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gardening on Thursday

Pop bought some broccoli plants to put in our garden and left them in the bathtub overnight- this is what they looked like the next morning!!!!!  Guess who the nibbler was....Tabitha!  She is not admitting anything at this point ...but we have witnesses!!!

Tabitha looking very guilty.

Our yard is just lovely with color - pink and white azaleas, dogwoods and our irises are coming up. Pop did plant lettuces, herbs and some new broccoli (ahemm...., Tabitha clearing her throat)) plants too. He is putting in potatoes and more veggies later this week.


Lettuces under the cover.

Chives, thyme and broccoli
Hope you enjoyed the garden tour today - we are not officially part of the Thursday Garden Club but will post now and then on how things are going!

Looks like we have been invited to join in on the Thursday Society of Feline Gardeners hosted by Jonsie.  Even tho we can't go outside we can report on the garden thru our windows!!!  Please do visit the other gardens on the main page here.

On another note - we had a scary night again with all the storms that devastated AL and GA passing over us in the early morning hours.  Mom stayed up with us and kept an eye on the TV and computer radar.  Luckily our beloved mountains broke it all up and all we got was thunder and rain.  We are sending our prayers to all who suffered in the tornadoes last night.

Wild Wednesday

Only in his cat tree.
We will be having some wild and stormy weather today along with the eastern part of the country.  Another day of hiding from the big booms and hoping we will be safe from the winds.  We will be sending happy thoughts to all of you in the stormy areas today - be safe.

Woody in his hidy spot.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tortie Tuesday - In Memory of Sweet Praline

The blog world lost a very special friend when Sweet Praline left her mom Paula and us all on April 25, 2011.  Tortie Tuesday will never be the same.  Sweet dreams dear one.


A Bridge Called Love

It takes us back to brighter years,
to happier sunlit days
and to precious moments
that will be with us always.
And these fond recollections
are treasured in the heart
to bring us always close to those
from whom we had to part.
There is a bridge of memories
from earth to Heaven above...
It keeps our dear ones near us
It's the bridge that we call love.
    Author Unknown