Chica has stopped vomiting and is drinking water on her own but has not eaten. Her vet does not want her to go without eating as it can cause liver issues so we are feeding her broth and baby food with slippery elm in it every couple of hours to help glide things thru. Thank you for all your purrs!
We had a post for Friends Friday but Blogger ate it and we don't feel like writing it again!!!
We could use purrs for our 20 year old Chica who has CRF - she crashed yesterday and I had to go get sub cutaneous fluids ASAP at a nearby vet. I can do it but not alone and hubby was at work. She continued to vomit all night when she would try to use the litter box so I suspect she was constipated too.
Chica in her PTU |
Got in to see our vet this morning and she said along with constipation, Chica may have a furball that needs to come out. She has stopped vomiting and is resting comfortably. I fed her watery baby food in a syringe and got some furball goo in her too. Both stayed down.
I need to keep feeding her food, water and furball goo over the weekend and check in with our vet on Monday. Keep those purrs coming!!!!! Thanks!!!