
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Easy Sunday

It's me Chica..Mom just wanted to let you know that we are OK.  She has not posted in a while cuz she has been pretty sick with laryngitis and a bad URI..   She has been resting in bed and  not up for sitting at the computer - maybe Pop oughta get her a laptop?

We hope to be back this week to help celebrate Valentine's Day cuz that is a big day at our house. It is Pop's birthday and Mom and Pop's 20th wedding anniversary!

Have  a restful Sunday ya'll and hopefully we will see you at least by Tuesday this week!  
Love from all of us.....


  1. Oh we are so sorry to hear your mom is not feeling well. We are purring that she is better real soon!!

  2. Gorgeous Chica!! Me and Charlie are so sad to hear that mum hasn't been well! We are sending her tons of healing hugs and purrs! We hope she feels better soon!

    Awwww 14 February sounds like it's going to be a wonderful extra special day for mum and dad!! How lovely!! Yay! Take care

  3. I know how you feel, before Christmas I had laryngitis so bad that for two days I didn't speak, just sent text messages to communicate...gah! Hoping you will be feeling better in time for the anniversary and birthday celebrations!!! Your E-card came today, Cheri you are so thoughtful, thank you very much :-) Sending lots of love to your happy home at Valentine's!

  4. How nice to see you Chica! Actually, when I saw the title of the post I was worried that it was one of you kitties that was sick.

    Not to say that I'm not concerned about your Mama, but somehow humans don't seem quite as helpless as a sick kitty (it's the same with kids).

    We're glad that your Mom is feeling somewhat better now -- it sounds like she had a miserable time. I hope she's 100 PURR cent for this special week coming up.

  5. We hope your Mom is feeling better in time to celebrate that special anniversary! We'll send extra loud purrs her way.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. We hope you Mom is soon feeling better - we hope you are giving her lots of purr therapy.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Sweet Chica, you are a doll. I'm sending good energies to your adorable mammy for her faster recover!
    purrs and lights

  8. Lots of purrrs and prayers for your Mom to get better!!
    (((((hugs)))))) from your TX furiends,

  9. WE sure hope that Mom feels better really soon. It is not any fun being sick, that is for sure. You kitties give her lots of snuggles and maybe some extra treats too. Gotta get ready for that big day on Tues. Take care.

  10. It is so nice to see you Chica! We all send purrs to your Mom and we hope she feels better really soon!

  11. We're so sorry your mom's been sick! We're sending purrs that recovers soon, certainly well enough for all the celebrations on Valentine's Day.

    (((Hugs))) and kitty kisses.

  12. We are very sorry to hear your Mom has been sick, and hope she gets better soon! Big purrs and prayers for that.

  13. Oh poor mum please tell her to take care and get lots of rest and wee you hopefully valentines.. HUgs GJ xx

  14. I hope your human is ALL better soon! Maybe she will get a laptop as a Valentine's Day/ Anniversary gift... although I have to say, that would not be very romantic! I am having a party on my blog that day, and I will make sure to raise a toast to your humans! 20 years is a whole lifetime to a kitty!

  15. Hi Chica
    it is so good to see you.
    We are sorry your Mom has not been feeling well, but glad to see she is getting better.

  16. So good to hear your mom is starting to feel a little better. We'll look forward to seeing you maybe later in the week or next week.

  17. Purrs to the Mom from all of us and YES your Dad should definitely get her a craptop!

  18. We're sad to hear mom's not been well. We're sending lots of healing comforting purrs.

  19. Hi Chica, it is good to hear from you. We are sending healing purrs to your Mom and hope she feels better soon.

    Happy Birthday to your Pop in case we don't make it by Tuesday. Happy Anniversary to your parents (what a clever way to insure he never forgot, boy is your Mom smart) and Happy Valentine's to everyone.

  20. Oh I hope Cheri will be well, Chica! Do take it easy and keep each other warm and loved. And happy bday to your Pop and happy Anniv to them oth too. And before we forget happy Vday to all in the Wildcat Woods!

    Lui and Sweepy

  21. OH I hopes your mommy is alll better tomorrow. It's an impawtent day for our pawrents. Chica, I know my mommy loves you. Now I see why. xoxoxoxo

  22. Happy Anniversary to your beans. Hope your mummy gets better soon.

  23. "Mom", we hope you feel much better very soon. So sorry that you are under the weather. Tell the beautiful Chica that she needs to give you some extra TLC while you're sick.


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