
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Snowball in his box.
Sorry - it has been a long week between posts.  First off we are very thankful that our sweet roly ploy Snowball is recovering nicely from his UTI.  Mom caught it very early and he went right on antibiotics.  He will be getting two other remedies - Tripsy from and homeopathic PetsAlive UTI Free for a while too.  Both will help keep him free of UTI's.  Plus his weight will have to come off - no more dry food even the better quality. The added weight and being male makes him more predisposed to UTIs. All the whitesters will be eating Wellness canned food from now on.  Mom is weaning them off dry food now.  So far so good.

We are very thankful we have gotten to know our sweet friends Sammy, Andy, Shelly and Sierra and their Mom Judi.  Judi has not been well and could use some big big purrs and prayers.  We enjoy their blog very much.  Judi could use some support - if you would like to use snail mail to send her cards and notes, ask me for her address.

We are thankful for all our blogging friends - you guys are super.  We have never met such a supportive group of pet lovers in all the world.  Mom has been lurking even tho she has not been posting and keeps up with all of you!

Finally, our mom is having a commentathon to celebrate her birthday this coming Saturday March 3.  Please mark your calendar for the date and stop back by for the fun party and to leave a comment.  The money raised will got to help a dear friend of ours  that we have been to visit - well Mom and Pop and flat Chica got to go.  Anyway - March 3 everybody!

Happy March!  Our yard is full of daffodils of all sizes!  Enjoy!


  1. We're so glad to hear that Snowball is feeling better!

  2. Oh! Yous has Daffydowndillys! Yous is lucky! We used to, when we lived on the wet coast. But where we lives, there is even more snow today!
    Enjoy the flowers, we will be back on the weekend!

  3. Welcome back. Purrs for sweet Snowball.

  4. Advance happy bday, Cheri! And I am glad Snowball is feeling better.

  5. I am glad to hear that Snowball is on the mend! I am looking forward to your commenthon!

  6. Beautiful flowers and great kitteh bellah pic! Get well, Snowball! Purrs and headbutts.

  7. Awww sweet and adorable Snowball!! You are looking so comfy in your box! Yay for mum catching your illness early so you could be treated quickly!

    Happy March to all of you! These are gorgeous spring blooms! Take care

  8. What a beautiful Thankful Thursday post. And I love all the green March attire of your blog.

    Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

  9. Purrs sweet Snowball from all of us! Love your pics!

  10. Glad to hear that Snowball is doing better. Still sending purrs though.We sure will be back to help you celebrate your birthday. I sure didn't know it was your birthday. Guess you will be getting a late card. Have a terrific Thursday.

  11. Hearing that Snowball is better has made us two happy ladies. We will keep purring that his new diet will keep him well.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. Great news!
    Snowball is so cute!
    I wish you all a lovely and peaceful weekend,
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  13. Ah, a birthday is coming up. :)

    Glad Snowball is doing better.

    Do you know comment moderation is turned on AND word verification? We hope you will turn off the evil wv! If you're not sure where to find the off button, we have directions on our blog to where it's hidden.

    Now we will try to crack the code but don't promise.

  14. Okay, we just saw your note on the wv. But we also notice you have your comments set to where Anonymous and name/url can leave comments. Anonymous is where we got our spam. We changed to Registered Users (includes Open ID) and the Anonymous spam we were getting on our old posts stopped.

  15. That's a wonderful Thankful Thursday post!

  16. We are really glad to hear that Snowball is doing so much better! We are thankful for you, too, dear friends. :)

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures of the daffodils -- what a treat. See you tomorrow for your commentathon!

  17. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes the 50's were a great time I love your blog theme.
    Happy Birthday
    SpookyShorty & Mom


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